Hey Altima sorry to tell you this but Nouv is DEAD, please be understanding. Ty and hope to see you soon in classic.
And I…
Yes, THAT Diavola.
I played as Silmiriel in Vanilla. Don’t remember the guild name.
I raided with Pandemonium and Premonition in TBC and Jungle Style in Wrath.
Been playing casually on and off since. Haven’t played retail since BfA release. Currently in Premo’s Horde guild on Thrall and their classic guilds on both Horde/Alliance on Mankirk.
I’m in the Discord Yemic made, so hit me up to reconnect. Specifically looking for old Pande folks and friends from other guilds, as I’ve kept in touch with most everyone from Premo and Jungle Style.
I remember you
Greetings! I was either on Danuin or Danuen in Devoted Defenders a LONG time ago. Any of us still on?
I played back in the day with Templars of the Cross with Ender, Cyria, Donkks, Grapejelly, and a host of others.
Settoh was my main (warlock), Sett was my alt (warrior).
Good times!
Saphryn here.
Miss the early days. I’m on Ashkhandi now. Shoulda did more research and met up with some old OotA folks. Khats, Zak, Syrena, Adel, Khoen, Speedy, Oy, Traye, Thirsha, Rhuarc, Raadun, Psquire, Darkyen, Lostsaint, Cev, Dove, Rock, so many.
Hit me up.
Hey all, Looking to see if anyone at all remembers me or the guild I ran from vanilla thru early wotlk. Toon name was Richrahl and the guild was “D’haran Empire”
I forget a lot of the names but Shanyu and his wife Kahlan were two of my officers. If any of my old guildies or friends do remember me, funny story, remember that little teeny rogue Selphis? She’s my wife now irl lol. anyways, I’m running the D’haran Empire again now on Atiesh so if any of my old ppl are around hit me up. battletag Jaypg55#1979
Howdy. I was a pally named Kaidic back in the day. I was an officer in “Holy Warriors of Kloud” and in the end, a raider with “The Cut Throats.” I’m usually putzing around on Ashkhandi.
Those names brought back terrible memories for me. Hi Crackerjack tauren shammy here!
Hail Forlorn Legacy, its been along time since the glory days. Saphyre, Fabulous, Mestab, Mayhem,
I guess I should post under the correct toon that I started on Windrunner. As was stated in a previous post, I started a guild on Windrunner called The Embraced and I believe Shadows of the Embraced. I went by names Lavitz and Jyshal. This is the toon I actually used during the time. Haha, I still remember a few of the names of some folks that were in the guild during the time, but I don’t want to sound like a broken record. Ty!
<3 I hope you remember me, I remember joining you with Goldshire fence sitting
I do remember you!! <3 <3 <3
Hey Windrunner!
I was too casual to be remembered, but I remember Clan Pooh, Forlorn Legacy, and The Cut Throats very well. Bringing back lots of memories.
I primarily did 19 twinking back in the day. I played as a gnome rogue named Chunkymunky and human priest named Deathscurse
Some other famous names on our realm were Vonpoot, Ragnarok (undead warrior). Reply if you remember!
I thought i might recognize some alliance due to the amount of time i spent in battle grounds, on my tauren druid Brigs and troll rogue Jasperx, also my time playing alliance during tbc/wotlk as human Digs-lock, Brigs-warrior, Addictive-paladin but i guess not, only things that stand out to me are clan names.
Hello Windrunner,
I went by “Taskun” and was a human warlock. I raided with House Atreides and would love to reconnect with yall!
P.S. Where you at Lissandra NE Hunter and Female NE priest I forget her name… it was a song lyric or something magical…
Good to see you again man, I remember you. We had some good times…
Hey Nubnut! Long time old friend. Now over on Westfall as horde.
All the best
Dude! I forgot about the Boys of Beef, that was my first guild. I remember you. I played a NE Hunter ‘Malireynis’ and a Gnome Rogue ‘Sivion’!