Manning/Reggië here what up crud you gonna be gm of the new guild now that your sober?
I remember you, I was in the Alliance Council too, Roxyweezle, night elf priest.
Whats up Windrunner,
My toon was Moontorror NE- Hunter face palm
Couldn’t spell very well when I was 10 LMFAO
Omg I remember you! Moontorror NE hunter who use to sit on the fence too
Anyone know Sirgraybeard - Dwarf Huner Revelation Knights!
Moontorror sounds familiar! I think I remember seeing you around
I’m still playing my original toon Iflana from back in Vanilla. Was guilded with Eagles of Manwe, Stockade Prison Blues and Apotheosis - where I still am today. Used to help admin with the Saturday morning Onyxia PUGs runs, and occasionally tag along with the FL PUGs.
Will be setting up a casual toon or two Alliance on Fairbanks PST PvP realm for classic.
Frankey here, just curious if anyone remembers playing with me back in the day… Currently rolled to Fairbanks alliance for WOW Classic. New toon’s name is PIZZAGATE. Already got a guild up and going with a few people who used to raid back in the day with me.
Hi all! I was the Pally Guild Leader of The Blue Line along with Foo. We then merged with Justice where I played Golar and Meatbal! Really looking forward to doing this again.
Hey Coco! Good to see you!
Dude I remember you i think you helped me get my first mount and carrot on a stick. Gnome mage right?
Hi Windrunner, this is Apathy/Charrity. I was a part of Elite Brotherhood and later Clan Tosu. Playing Classic on Horde RP-PVP Grobbulus if anyone is there, hit me up!
It’s kinda weird seeing all these old names for the first time in years!
I played Ganondwarf, dwarf warrior from Vanilla until I quit in WOTLK. In Vanilla I was in Guardians of Azeroth (waddup Tiny!), was in House Atredeis and Perseid through BC, and The Cut Throats with my boy Hessxpress (shoutout to Crudler and Speedy) late BC until I left the game.
Rolled with some RL friends ally side on Blaumeaux, but any of the old people want to reconnect add me PuntCunisher#1937.
Hi Windrunner!
Looking for some old friends, I used to be known as Eragoness or KissofDeath, better known as Alice Denali! Would love to reconnect with you
Going to add that I would spend COUNTLESS hours in Goldshire hanging with the whole group! The only name I sort of remember is Dark-something, and Night-something (Lol!)
I swear I remember seeing you! I used to be in Goldshire on the fences with a large group almost everyday! My characters name was Eragoness or KissofDeath, but my name was Alice Denali!
I was also in Apotheosis, same toon name. I remember you, although I’m sure you don’t remember me . But I am Moradors or Mictev’s better half.
Hello all,
Lot old names here and clans, I am TrueSoB, was gm of Tyranus Supremacy, we started on wind runner and transfered to shu’halo.
Hey everyone, don’t know if anyone remembers me but I was a paladin in Forlorn Legacy called Altima. Played in the guild from Sunwell until the end of WotlK where I got kicked for losing to an alt priest in healing by the name of Angelic (FL was a very strict guild at the time ran by Aurelius who I hated).
Looking to reconnect with some of my old friends from The Cut Throats, especially Piglett. I recently came out as Bisexual and Piglett was always on my mind back then, now I feel more confident with myself and would hope to meet up with him and express my true feelings. Also looking to reconnect with Aiurr, Lathander, Sandriya, Aurelius, Nouv and Galleta. Thanks guys looking forward to playing some classic WoW since the gameplay is so much easier for me to handle compared to harder times!
Hey Altima, great to hear from you and I’m glad you’re doing well! I remember when you left FL you were seeing Rei. You guys were a cute couple and posted some really sweet pics like the one with you and Rei’s truck next to your grandfather. You made my time there a lot of fun.