Windows 11 and WoW

Make sure to grab “Shutup10” and O&O.

Always run them on every system I make.

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Sign up for Windows Insider Program, restart, check for updates again and it should begin install.

Windows 11 had a critical failure three weeks ago following an update. I had to reinstall everything.

I've turned off all updates because something on their end is really bad right now.

Sorry to Necro this… Was about to upgrade to 11 but figured I would come here first.

Any more issues?

Things are running great for me I would do a clean install and update all drivers

The only issue I have with Windows 11 is sometimes I get weird screen flickering on the left side of my screen with WoW, but it’s very random. I’ve checked my monitor, which is only six months old, checked my cables, checked everything. It’s not a hardware problem. Windows 11 is the only thing which makes sense, and I’ve seen some documentation saying Windows 11 causing screen flickering with certain programs isn’t uncommon.

Yea. It works just fine. I asked Blizzard about running a Linux on a computer to play WoW and they advised me against it saying they do not support it and would be unable to help me in any way even if I did get it up and running and problem occurred. Windows 11 is a good choice for now.

Honestly, i turned off updates. I probably should turn them back on. Luckily I had everything backed up. Nvidia experience is still broken acting as though I have no internet connection. Somewhere somehow I had a bad install update and even rolling back to an older patch wouldn't let me past the BIOS load screen.


So I play in Opensuse 15.3, which is never supported :wink:

I press “windows 10” in winecfg.

I play on my “potato” with zero bloat. I gave up getting it to run again for a bit, after opensuse 15.1 was no longer supported, but then I figured out how to use “Lutris” as a “runner” with an older wine-staging. Now I get around 56 FPS with view distance low, AOE low (just “essential”, so I see the puddles I need to not stand in :wink: ) I want to say it uses Wine-Staging 6.3, with DXVK from winetricks.

Intel G3220 TWO (yes, just TWO) core proc
Nvidia Geforce 750 TI 2 gig
8 gig system ram
SATA hard drive

Since it is Linux, by default it splits what is happening between the two procs evenly. So if I look each proc is at about 77 percent load. After all this time, I checked on upgrade options but this motherboard could only go up to a 4 proc CPU and since there are few left it is at a premium price (would make more sense to buy a new system.)

Except for WOW, and sometimes FFXIV, this is just a “computer.” I graduated to using my Xbox one for gaming, xbox 360 before that and wish to heck I could just buy and Xbox Series X! I’ve never had so much trouble getting a company to take my $499 for a thing!

I’m about due for another 14 year life cycle computer upgrade, for other things. But the Taiwan outlet place that was awesome here, in Omaha NE, closed after the last time I “built my own.” So now I’d have to get a “I buy power” or some junk from Best Buy or something. First thing I would do would be to add Opensuse 15.3 (15.4 by then, maybe), as a multi-boot, and see how wow really ran in Windows 11 and Linux on the same system.

Right now, for everything else I do, this computer is still fine for general use/streaming media to the Xbox One, etc.

Ah. In opensuse I just add the Nvidia Repository and it just patched up the Nvidia drivers sometimes and everything “just works.” Nvidia is insanely awesome about Linux drivers. 470.94 right now. If that didn’t work I could also just install from their “unix drivers” page after exiting to just a command prompt.

Been a couple of months. Still no ‘real’ problems besides, still, bloatware. Skype somehow still survives.

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Holding out for Windows 14. For now will stay on a entirely unpatched Windows 7.

j/k When Windows 7 won’t function for WoW I will go back to the instruction penalty of Wine on Linux and continue to beg Blizzard to make an unofficial x86_64 ELF binary for Linux. :penguin:

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Nah Windows NT was the best.

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I had to do a full reinstall to fix this and after install was fine and installed win 11

Thats how my BF was with windows xp…he loved it and stuck with it until it went obsolete…oi, was he ticked off!! Hah, he eventually got with the newer OS. My pc is 3 yrs old now, and ig my motherboard prevents me from upgrading to windows 11, shrug wow still plays fine for me.

Whats that? Vaguely sounds familiar

What is bloatware?

is that a home vs pro version thing?

im on pro and dont have any bloatware. maybe i got rid of it somehow idk its been a while.

Bloatware is annoying software that pre-built PC manufactures include with your PC.


Ooohh okay, my bad thank you! Makes sense

It plays fine other then when you have Bluetooth on the game will refuse to launch. But it could just be my laptop.