I really wish you had at least some reading comprehension. My response was not to you, but to Tholaren. That’s why I responded to him with what I posted. It would be appreciated if you’d stop hijacking threads with your nonsense. This thread details workarounds, and your inability to understand software development at even a basic level doesn’t change those workarounds or the reasoning behind the API update in the first place.
A workaround is not a fix. Entering in commands, or navigating through multiple menus + a dropdown list (with only limited selections) are not viable solutions to resizing a window – the most elementary function of any GUI operating system. I’m playing a game, not programming in terminal.
I swear, if Blizzard broke right-click to autoattack / automatically engaging in autoattack when using an offensive melee ability (which would make the game unplayable), you’d be here like “It’s not an issue, just type /startattack when you wish to enter combat! There’s workarounds!”
I understand software development. I program for one of the most renowned organizations in the world. If a change breaks crucial functionality of software, you revert it and fix it, not make excuses and leave it.
if only it was a mac problem. it happens on windows 10 aswell
grab some popcorn, sit back, and watch the Blizzard apologists blame this on Microsoft / Dx12 / Windows / literally everyone but Blizzard.
I play every day, heck I run two wows together and dual box without issues. You literally just don’t resize the game via drag and it’s fine. can get a perfect window size via drop down or editing config file with resolution you want and then there is no reason to actually keep resizing window. Why would you need to ever resize window while playing? to see another window? why not just command tab, use expose, or the dock to switch apps instead of resizing wow?
Is this issue annoying, sure. Does it prevent playing by any means? absolutely not. You’re all overblowing it. You’re taking an issue that’s a niche 1 out of 10 and making it an 11 out of 10 for reasons I cannot fathom.
if anything people should be more outraged over the huge memory leak in battle.net Agent process. That’ll have far greater implications to performance on lower RAM systems. Not trying to derail this thread as it should stay on topic for this issue, but also stating there are bigger fish to fry is an understatement.
I agree, completely.
I’m curious, however, would a potentially trivial fix be to lock the window size so that it cannot be resized via dragging? I’m not sure if this runs afoul the unified codebase or not, but it would seem to me that window handling must be platform-specific. Thoughts?
I’ve suggested that, same as suggesting vsync not allow you to disable it (since that causes problems too).
ultimately though it just feels like no one is working on mac issues at all. mostly all busy working on dragonflight and with that means PC first, mac later.
They actually have a position open for another person on engine, and i hope they fill it fast so they don’t feel so short handed and spread thin.
because sometimes I’m playing while doing other stuff.
why would you ever need to leave Battle.net running? why not just close Battle.net and message people from within WoW? Is this memory leak annoying, sure. Does it prevent playing by any means? Absolutely not. You’re all overblowing it. You’re taking an issue that’s a niche 1 out of 10 and making it an 11 out of 10 for reasons I cannot fathom. Just get a new Mac with 64 GB or 128 GB memory and you’ll be fine.
I literally run a discord, have code IDE open, two wows open, and even chat apps open at all times, all on a 16 inch laptop screen. one of macOS’s literally biggest strengths is it’s ability to work flow multiple apps. App switching, expose, etc are all at literal fingertips. I’d argue to say resizing window is actually slower.
You’re right battle.net has a work around, keeping it close, and I didn’t make it an 11, but it’s higher than a 1 like this issue and that was only thing I was saying. it’s a process that has admin privs, affects more than just one game, and more users leave open who don’t know better. Did I even say I leave it open? I represent more than just myself with this green text though and a LOT of users leave it open who don’t realize it has a leak, a LOT more users than who resize wow. I’d argue THIS issue is affecting maybe 10 users in total that are just really loud. Their are probably hundreds of mac users who have battle.net open and don’t realize it’s using half their ram.
But as usual, you still fail to see bigger picture. More users vs less users is how problems are rated. Not how important an issue is to you or me. I rate issues by their full scope, not personal needs.
then you can understand why, while juggling many windows at once, one would need to resize WoW, just as one resizes any other window.
I’m preeeeeeeeeetty sure CMD-TAB has you covered here. I mean, why would you be constantly resizing a window, and a game window at that? That makes zero sense. If you’re going back and forth primarily between two things, which most users are when it comes to games, CMD-TAB is both instant and serves the purpose perfectly. Manually resizing is cumbersome and…well, pointless. But whatever floats your boat I guess.
Also… Mission Control / Spaces. Just juggle your windows around multiple desktops all day.
Granted, this is an acquired taste, but I started using virtual desktops on Linux years ago and I’ve loved it on macOS for years, as well. Heck, even Windows supports this now (albeit primitively). I work off of one monitor and juggle 5-10 desktops all day long. I rarely resize windows unless it’s a terminal or my browser.
Since I know people are going to ask. No Change in Dragonflight alpha.
What about the wrath beta?
Also, as has been noted, this doesn’t affect all Mac users. I’m running retail on both a recent 16’’ M1 Max laptop and a 2019 Mac Pro with a 6900 XT – I’ve never seen this issue.
me personally when I tested issue, it doesn’t happen on first resize, only 2nd on either of my two macs so even a user who might accidentally resize by clicking corner by mistake doesn’t really run into issue. It’s just those rare niche users who constantly want to resize window instead of just using expose or application tabbing or something.
Don’t get me wrong, any issue that isn’t resolved after long period of time should be disheartening, but as far as issues goes, this one is a minor and completely avoidable one.
Will add that Mac OS 12.5 came out today. Might be fixed there?
It happens on first resize for me, always has. I don’t want to constantly resize. Just want to be able to resize when I start up WoW so I can see other apps that are running.
Just upgraded to 12.5. WoW quits as soon as I resize the window.