Wind affect

I know you guys are pretty busy making a new expansion and everything. I was wondering if its possible to make or have the trees move with the wind or just doing a fly by or a weather affect, in order to make the environment look alive. Also have the option to turn it off if its to much resource for the player. I might be pushing my luck with grass affect too. Looking at non moving trees looks stale.


For the trees swaying & moving, I think it’s a great idea to honest.

As for the grass, in many zones it already does move about & such when you move through them. :slight_smile:

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oh dude you have to be careful, the Forums really, really hate any idea/notion of improved graphics


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i like the idea of improved graphics but im also thinking that a big part of wow’s popularity probably comes from being able to run on a wide range of machines.

you start making things look nice you might lose a bunch of ppl with lower end machines i assume. unless everything is toggleable i guess? sounds complicated.

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Regarding to lower machines, Microsoft took care of that with their idea of windows 11 in 2025 I also said it was an option to take off the affect if it take up to much resources like raytracing

Let them come at me , stick and stones I have multiple character if they try to troll me. Ur5 is awesome but it look like its missing detail

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