[Win 7] Error #132 or missing DLL on launch after patch 10.0

Tried 11 legacy again, and 11, and 12 just to test it out, and it did not solve the issue.

Still getting the same error 132 and Api-ms-win-core-com-l1-1-0.dll error messages.


My client is starting an update, so Iā€™ll let it finish and then remove the DX11 legacy switch and then try it out.

After the update, and removal of the switch, I can load the game just fine.

Curious if the update was what fixed it. Without knowing what it did, I wouldnā€™t bet the whole farm on it.

Windows 7 here - same problem after the update - did a scan and repair - no luck.

Followed the instructions to set -d3d11legacy as cmd line parameter and this worked perfectly.

Launched and ran the cinematic intro.

Still maintenance period so i cant tell if the game actually runs, but it did fix the error on selecting Play from the BNET app

Legacy didnā€™t work for me either. It looks like the maintenance window was extended to 6pm though, so hopefully there will be another update and that will fix it.

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Same for me. Tried all the extensions nothing. Win 7 premium here. Worked fine yesterday.

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It just hit that I did do something when I first had this issue. I looked up the filename in the error and it led me to MS Visual C++. I installed the 2015-2022 x64 version, rebooted, and tried the client. Still got the error. Then I read the link above and added the switches until the legacy one worked.

Now, with the short client update, I removed the switch and WoW runs normally.

On a Win 7 Ultimate box.

(post deleted by author)

Iā€™m getting this same ERROR #132, gonna wait until the maintenance is done, if not fixed, then iā€™ll reinstallā€¦hopefully itā€™s fixed.

Iā€™ll not be ā€˜upgradingā€™ to Windows 10. Iā€™ll try the solution presented here.

Edit: Wait a second, what the hell is DX? Is this something you access from the bnet app Game Settings?

Yeah. These are the instructions on another page:

DirectX version can also be changed out of game through the command line arguments in the Battle.net desktop app.

  1. With the Battle.net desktop app opened and WoW selected click on Options
  2. Select Game Settings
  3. Find WoW and check the box for Additional command line arguments
  4. In the new box enter the command for the desired DirectX version:
  • -d3d11legacy
  • -d3d11
  • -d3d12
  1. Click Done to save.

Id love to try that but whats the command for each? I tried putting "-d3d11legacy " in and nothing changed so I take it thats not the command?

Now Iā€™m back to having to add the DX 11 legacy switch in the command line. I give up trying to figure this one out. Iā€™ll just let maintenance finish and see what happens then.


Thatā€™s the full command, just enter it and click ā€˜Doneā€™. If itā€™s going to fix it for you, thatā€™s all you need to do.

Didnā€™t work for me though. Others are having better luck.


Thank you very much for the instructions. It got me to where I can see the intro cinematic and new login screen. Which is much better than seeing critical errors.


Hooray! Mine still wonā€™t launch at all. Did you do anything else besides the DX switch?

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Negative. Just the -d3d11legacy command.

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Tried all of the commands, none worked for me

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Ok thanks. Well, I still have ~20 minutes for a miracle to happen xD

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at least im not the only one im using a very old laptop and it was fine even this morning but after maint its not anymore