[Win 7] Error #132 or missing DLL on launch after patch 10.0

Excellent. Ill be trying when i get home

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Also confirming the latest patch has solved the issue for me on Windows 7 with a less than good video card


same. prepare t o be disappointed when you log in though…

Oh wow its working now. Windows 10 and old ati 4850 HD x2. Thx blizzard

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Yes it is suddenly working for me now.

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Working for me as well now!

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Patch worked for me as well. Now i only need to deal with dominos being discontinued for dragonflight and other UI shennanigans.

why ? what issues in game are you having? since i got this problem fixed really early this morning i have had no issues except excessive lag. but that ended up being the game downloading a patch in the background. New UI works great. graphics are more crisp even with all my settings as low as they can go. navigating the new talents is going to take some time but that is to be expected and why they gave them to us before the rest of the pre-patch. i am so far happy.

hello everyone after i read comment seems they fix problem so i check so far everything doing fine i hope for other people is everything fine too without problem :slight_smile:

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Can confirm game launches and runs on my machine now.

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Bug still exists

As soon as I exited the game about 10 minutes ago it happened in precisely the exact same way as I described before in my previous comment.

It didn’t get fixed despite me updating my drivers etc.

As an update, patch was released yesterday Oct 27th which includes the fix for this launch bug.

Remember to go in and remove the -d3d11legacy command line argument if you had added that as a work around.

If you are experiencing Error #132 crashes or other errors when exiting the game please create a new thread with the details and your DXIDAG file.