WillE's newest video showcases lack of care

Take your own advice. If you do not want to see people annoyed at the spam, use the ignore function.

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Wahhh I’m so annoyed by this person’s posts but I won’t ignore them because… I don’t even know?

You’re right though, ignoring you is a good move.



Keep crying about spam while forcing yourself to see it. lmao

Anyway, back on topic: Blizz is allowing rampant hacks in their game. They either don’t care or are just incompetent. A few dudes in their basements had better anti-cheat. Pathetic, Blizzard.

Another vid from WillE showcasing even more blatant cheating: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1qz411e7yS?from=search&seid=8959160347604333644


Personally I’m sicker of looking at bots and fly hacks. Also the people who seem to think poor Blizzard is “doing everything they caaaan!


I don’t post nearly enough to shill. I only MENTIONED WillE’s video because its an actual video already available showing this extortion

This is like when people in Flint were talking about their poisoned water. Imagine if the community response was “OMG WE GET IT, YOU HAVE POISONED WATER, YOU AREN’T CHANGING ANYTHING, JUST ANNOYING ME”


I wasn’t talking about you… I was talking about the guy posting the link to his own hacking thread

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Maybe the OP is his alt? :man_shrugging:

WillE is based and only presents points that fits his narrative.
hard to take anything he says seriously when he claims to present all sides of an argument, yet leaves out key details that would be a control to his debate.

dude says what he says for views. his channel wouldnt be anywhere near successful as it is if he rolled horde for classic.

I’d be willing to bet that people posting about streamers are just fan boys looking to drive people to the streamer.

anyone who posts about a streamer must be a SHILL!!


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I mean, what could possibly be the counter argument for droves of bots camping all known nodes via skybox hacking?


It’s not like there aren’t tons of videos out there from streamers and regular joe’s alike. The fact that he’s a streamer doesn’t negate the fact that bots and hacks are the number one problem in Classic.

Unfortunately it will stay that way because Bobby Kotick would rather hold onto his 6 million dollar a year salary than hire staff.

So that wasn’t proof of blatant fly hacking? Fly hacking and botting aren’t huge issues in Classic? Try again, without the ad hom.

thats fine. and no, its not proof for me.
he has no credibility as far as im concerned, and i would prefer he use his own footage. instead of viewer submitted material or clips that have circulated the internet.

Funny that you accuse him of having a narrative when you are quite obviously biased yourself if you refuse to see what is in front of you.

So you don’t think he has any credibility, yet you want him to use his own footage? Which you wouldn’t believe anyway?

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So even without this guy saying anything, you ARE aware that fly hacking is a huge, neglected issue, right?

Or do you just not get out of Org much?

Oh it is an issue, there is no denying that.

But it certainly isn’t at the magnitude he claims it to be. Along with other issues he greatly blows out of proportion to further viewership

The Youtube meta is what it is. The content of his commentary is what matters, and he’s not half bad IMO. He’s good at pointing out current issues like in AV or botting.

Looks like some one is mad about the av video lol