Will we get restore character back?

“Calling people out for their nonsense”

It’s a feature in a billion dollar gaming company they said would be gone for weeks that turned into months. The only nonsense is that this is still an issue with so many people needing it back. Not sure how to say this nice if there even is a way, but you’re stupid Bro.

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Yet I’m not deleting my characters, lmao.

Hmmmm I wonder if they know this :yum:

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ur stupid lol

You are stupid lol*
You’re stupid lol*

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No, YOU’RE st00pid, Stoopid.

See what I did there?

I used punctuation to make it so that your name is “Stoopid” while also being “st00pid”. So I used stupid with incorrect spelling as both a name and an adjective.

So you’re stupid squared

wow thanks for the spelling lesson i didnt ask for, dumbass

The equivalent of “no u” seems oddly immature from someone who is supposed to be smarter and more logical than most people.

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I prefer extremely petty

Then spell correctly next time, hotdog

Pft, and IM stupid…

Then I would suggest spelling correctly before calling someone else stupid. Unless you need me to relay to you what the definition of stupid means.

The irony is not lost on me. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: