Hmmmmm… Will we?
Will you stop compulsively deleting your toons for no reason?
Hmmmmm, will you?
Likely in 11.05
They did massive amounts of backend work. It likely is a nightmare of spaghetti code
Never. 10char
Will you stop compulsively responding contrariarly to other people who are talking to a company that they gave money to for their services/products?
Will you stop acting purposely obtuse to the fact that many people tried deleting one character, had the confirmation box say it was for that character and then the game deleted an entirely different one, because it’s bugged?
Most people who put in tickets when their mains and whatnot were deleted were told they couldn’t be restored by a GM. Only some were able to get their restored through a ticket.
Many of these people are waiting to get back characters they never deleted in the first place— the bugged system deleted them.
Drop the attitude.
I’m starting to think these threads are made by one guy rotating through his alts to post.
I think he’s deleted too many of them to keep it up for much longer though.
Lol that’s BS for two reasons…
One: it’s just not true.
Two: you gonna tell me that people deleted toons AFTER blizz announced they would suspend the service?
Na I like calling people out on their nonsense
If only they could restore more alts! But they CAN’T!
One person’s nonsense is another person’s valid complaint.
But if your own personal life happiness revolves around the need to assert yourself into other people’s conversations, as they work through a product problem with a company, then you do you I guess.
Valid complaint?
There’s Nothing valid or sensible about deleting your toons, especially after they announced they’ll suspend the service ice temporarily.
There’s also nothing rational about deleting your toons if you don’t actually wanna get rid of it. Like wut lol…
Like just be quiet and wait for the service to come back or stop deleting your toons for some weirdo reason
You should slow down when you respond, instead of trying to win the Internet argument so fast that you make some crazy typos.
Mhmm, so got nothing else? Glad you conceded.
Have a nice day, Internet Argument winner.
Thnxs, I always win. Since I’m smarter and logical than most people.
We are not the same
Must be fun at parties.
You have no idea
Regrettably, but it’s okay. You have me through GD