The Garrisons were fun but I would love to see private houses in the traditional sense. Like maybe a house with a picket fence that you can decorate and place furniture in. With a kitchen, living room and bedroom. I think that would be great to create that “I am home” feeling specially for returning players
Probably not. After the cosby suite fiasco they were tripping over themselves to please customers, and nothing about housing. If we didn’t get it then they probably will never do it.
Some will say garrisons were housing, but they weren’t. Real housing would be in a place that wasn’t single expansion, with living quarters and more customisation. No mines, fishing holes, or command tables.
People that quit in WOD: “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, I already moved on years ago so should you.”
I say that we colonize a moon asteroid comet something that flies around Azeroth.
It won’t interfere with the rest of the world. We can sandbox it to our hearts content. We could decorate with hello kitty stuff if we wanted.
And access to it wouldn’t be exclusive to one expansion like a garrison. No special quests or anything. No requirements for those who dislike it.
Yes indeed. It could be like a instance section area. You could even have a dining room and maybe a workroom too for crafting. A kitchen for cooking. You could invite your friends in as guests and have parties or meetings or just to hang out and talk.
Biggest issue with player housing, as cool as it would be, is we would see even LESS people out in the world. Garrisons made players feel more disconnected than ever. Player housing would have to be instanced to work, so it would just as bad if not worse.
That’s why player housing needs to be kept simple, without all the profession stuff muxed in.
Yes. I think you are right about that. Housing should be a place to relax and chill alone or with friends.
While we are at it I have always wondered why we don’t have guild halls so that guild members can congregate something like a medieval tavern? I dunno just an idea.
There’s a reason I still play Old Republic and why I mostly play Palia now: fun housing.
It would be a great gold sink.
Have cheap/free instance homes inside the major town.
Then have a few smaller homes scattered around the world that people with too much gold could rent for a dumb price
No advantage for owning it, just a good old /flex
I hope not
If you want to check out great player housing there is a new game on the Market now…its still Beta but a open beta to go live later this year…check out Palia …its wonderful…and its free to play too…has the best most beautiful housing set up …with gardens you can grow…make stuff for your house…build it bigger …and so on…ck it out Palia.
Ever heard of a game called Roblox? That game has player housing. Same with Minecraft.
Isn’t Palia just Animal Crossing and Genshin impact combined? Plus that one disney game?
It has quests and stuff but no killing of other players is not there…but you do hunt wild animals for skins and that…there is a lot more coming open with it too…
Player housing could be a whole evergreen game feature.
It should contain no character power, buffs or interact with providing resourses whatsoever. Players could completely ignore if they wanted and not be at any disadvantage compared to the players who do interact with the feature.
Player housing could be played exclusively if players wanted; only leaving their plot to get designs/blueprints from the outside world.
That is almost what Palia is in a nut shell…Palia housing is what WoW should of put in years ago …they would still have players playing just for that now…but they ignored those that asked for over and over…and no it wouldn’t take away players from outside world…it sure doesn’t in Palia…
Yeah. I was in the Alpha and the Beta for Palia. I maxed out my frienships very quickly and chose Zekki as my shepp just to mess with Eshe.
It’s kind of a shame because Palia doesn’t offer nearly enough things to do. The game cycle is quite shallow. If wow somehow absorbed Palia, there’d be a complete game, instantly.
i just don’t understand why some people seems to hate Housing just for the sake of hating it
If it is some WoD Garrison Trauma, i have some old obvious news: Garrison isn’t housing.
And there is plenty of good reasons to add housing to the game. A big “plenty”.
I loved housing in wildstar