Will we ever see Nightborne/Void Elf Demon Hunters?

Do you see any void elves or Nightborne hanging out with Illidan?

I’m all for more demon hunters but they would have to make new content around new races.

Contrary to popular opinion I would actually main a Pandaren demon hunter first and foremost.

I would main one hands down.

Maybe Worgen demon hunters instead?

Just humor me for a sec.
A Pandaren male using Eyebeam.

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Look, I’m not saying it wouldn’t be hilarious or that I wouldn’t play one, because I’m a lore-be-damned kind of player, but I don’t think the people in charge would go for it. Worgen have an association with Nelves and have the big/ugly/scary/sinister/tragic thing that going on that seems to go with the demon hunter’s territory.

I actually think it makes more sense than people give credit for. If it goes to Pandaren you hit two birds with one stone. Since they are a neutral faction that can join both the Horde and Alliance.

I think, as goofy as they are, they are remarkably very resilient. They even invented their own class by learning to manipulate their chi and physical body in ways that go beyond what is physically possible otherwise.

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I’d like to see them. I’d also like Worgen demon hunters.

Well, if a murloc can be a demon hunter, then anyone can!

New demon hunters just need a new starting zone that takes place post-legion where they are being trained by the demon hunters of the Illidari, but I suppose that’s too much work for Buzzard entertainment. It’s the same reason you won’t see any new races become DKs.

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Or they could have new demon hunter races be unlocked in a manner similar to allied races, then have newly created demon hunters of those races start at level 100 in Dalaran.


There was an interview asking about Allied Races and Hero Classes to which Ion responded though not Demon Hunters, Void Elf Deathknights would be possible but stated that they needed to revamp the starting experience if they did

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It’s impossible and effort shouldn’t be put in to make it possible

I would probably have more fun role playing a gnome that thinks he is a demon hunter. Maybe he or she witnessed some terrible event with demons and was traumatized. He or she heard about these people that have sacrificed everything to fight them. His or her brain creates this fantasy that he is a demon hunter and no amount of convincing can change his mind. He does two tiny gnome hops and “glides” by holding his tiny arms out like they are wings. She makes all these swoosh sound effects with her voice. Each time the “glide” fails she thinks that it is some Legion trick. Or now that Legion is over, it must be some sign that Sargeras has broken free and is going to reform TBL.

Do you see the sunwalkers worshiping the light or the blood knights in tbc they sapped the light from a narru to be paladins, the class does not have to be restricted to the original class. and Some of them like Duskrider Silaryn ride the Demon hunter’s class mount. The Felbourne also have very similar abilities and spells they also have their own skin options. Alot of race class combos don’t have to follow the exact lore of a single class.

As for the Void elves, well why can’t a old Blood elf demon hunter become a void elf and still be a demon hunter???

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There could be chances of a bloodelf DH changing into a void elf. It would only require upgrading itself with void instead of fel. Void would be more concentrate form. Seeing as the void lords themselves created the fel. But one could also wonder if this would drive the demonhunter insane faster. Demonic essence + void energy inside them. There’s no telling what could happen. Both powers are whispering to those that they inhabit. You would have two voices inside. Or unless it just empowers the one thats already in the demonhunter.

Probably not



the only shakey pallidans are shaky because they are palidans only due to game mechanics such as trolls and the holy cows, warlock should be like hunters and warriors and open to all races other than light forged because anyone can become a warlock, and death knights are pretty much solid as far as races go altho I’d love a dark iron dk.

Now than im going back to my moms basement to live in eternal darkness

They would make even less sense then Worgen DKs. But… we got Worgen and Goblin DKs because it would be cool so anythings possible.

Blood elves were allowed. Magic junkies who in round 1 of their dance with fel…had issues. Bad ones.

Illidan and the DH methods succeeded where Kael and say the Nightborne (that guy in the cave with the legion leatheworker trainer who loses control in time) in Legion failed.

Back to op…I see this being more open 9.0 or 10 when I predict the 20-110 grind will be dropped for heritage armour. Same reason for no DK’s. They want the 20 start to be even 35 levels of work A DK would skip.

As I see it in 9.0 or 10.0 unless story has the allied branch off…they can’t sell the well they are allied races bit any more. The’d have too be more real races by then. Why no hero classes for them imo…they’d skip levels.

And would be like say the Blood elves. I got my blood elves heritage on a boosted blood elf who did legacy dungeons to boost rep.

Who says the legion is gone?? Pretty sure voids communication with the void is pretty high and I’m pretty sure that’s where Sargeras is…insinuating in demon hunter with vague hand gestures… Plus alot of heros not found in the shadowlands are there in the void as well. So the fact DH is exclusive to ONLY two kinds of elves, my hunch is; pretty soon it will be exclusive to all elves, and void Elves, they’re gonna be the ones to crack open a new can of “the burning legion” … followed closely by the first Arcanist and the Nightborne, who’s thirst for magic is rather insatiable.

Side note, there’s an open seat in the shadowlands hierarchy left by that nathruzeem, so I would assume a titan is looking to ascend. Someone has to challenge the jailer for the seat, right? My money’s on everyone wanting that seat. I bet a demon hunter sits on that thrown pretty quick, tho. Cough illidan hack

There’s a nightborne heathstone hero now. You can bank on that being foreshadowing. $$