Will we ever get a dev reason for the change of heart on RDF?

Mate we get it you are upset chill

You mean it plateaued and started to later decline?

Not that I think RFD had any real effect on sub count either way, but trying to pin WoWā€™s success on it when it then plateaued and later decreased is a weird take.

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It came out with ICC raid and the ICC 5 mans.

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All the stupid changes they made to Wrath were bad.

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RDF caused Subs to surge to their highest level in WotLK. It allowed people to finally play the game and get into content without barriers or toxicity/bias. So new players joined and players returned.

RDF is the best social feature added to an MMO in history.


Had nothing to do with the Raid against
The Lich King.

Def not

I know all my friends who quit during ToC came back for ICC just to kill him. He is/was the end boss. The finale of the story of Warcraft 3


That is a small part of it. Obviously good content helps. However you must understand WotLK is miserable without RDF and my friends and I have skipped most of it. I look forward to RDF and finally having the freedom to make Alts, attain gear and do content without massive barriers. We all do. We finally get to play the game.

The Lich King wonā€™t make players return cause they still donā€™t want to make Alts, canā€™t get dungeons done or content/gear. RDF will do that. Which then increases participation in ICC.

I had unsubbed and they always ask why? I said when you give us RDF Iā€™ll come back. Itā€™s just not worth playing Wrath and having a grueling experience without RDF. Everything is just infinitely better with it.

The only problem is they added RDF too late, they lost too many players by not having it at launch hurting this game in immeasurable ways.


By ā€œsurgeā€ do you mean minorly increased based on its trajectory which quickly turned into a plateau?

Because that is what happened.

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Have you considered youā€™re part of a vocal minority?

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45% of that 50% was content drought, 95% of the actual expansion progression did not have it.

I witnessed tons of support for no cross realm bgs on the classic wow subreddit pre launch. I dont doubt some retail tourists told you it was a bad idea, but they were a vocal minority.

99% of the classic community didnā€™t want it.

95% of the actual expansion progression didnā€™t have it, that 50% your claiming is mostly content drought.

It did destroy the social aspect of the game, which is why people wanted classic.

Its coming when it was originally released, this is authenticity. WoW dies with the lich king, and RDF symbolically represents that.


^ā€” nuclear grade must-have-last-word coping going on in this poa.st

Iā€™ve seen a lot of cope in my time playing this game, and that priest is definitely overdosing on it


For a little while I just thought that priest was clueless, and not a troll. But that postā€¦LOL. Talk about absurd. Just throw out random numbers based on nothing. Way too obvious.

Oh, and RDF was in half of Wrath. Thatā€™s a simple fact.


RDF is not coming out when it originally did. It was released in 3.3.0. Wrath classic launched with patch 3.4.


RDF entered wotlk later on in original, and it entered later on this time around too. It makes more sense to have it now and less sense to have it early.

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It would have made more sense to have it at wrath classic launch. But better late than never.


Two different timelines.

The first wrath had no 3.4.

3.4.0 was 3.0
3.4.1 was 3.1
3.4.3 is 3.3

All they did was put the ā€œ.4ā€ between the content patch numbers. Regardless of how any of us feel, by content patches, 3.4.3 is the right time as to parallel 3.3.

Where it really fell flat was them claiming ā€œits what killed the gameā€ when you can still look at the current retail expansion of the game and see it is still there. If it was such a cut and dry this is what kills the game solution to move on from it it would be fairly obvious thing to remove from that version of the game too. So it really made it look like either a dodge from having to do it or just some stomp foot dev that didnā€™t want it because streamers donā€™t want it type situation.

Even before chromie time this was needed.

Even cattle carā€™dā€¦there were many cars.

Who is 1 to 60, and where in azeroth are they? who is 60 to 80 and where (wrath or tbc)? WHo is 80 to 90 (cata or mop)?

Wod then legion were 1 car each. So how many are on your server at that time to run them? And being real honest making players fly to helya in legionā€¦would be cruel.

It be like the good old days of parents telling their kids to get that wood theyā€™d beat them with. Not only will you suffer this dungeon. We are going to make you walk/fly to it too!

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Its still a peak even if the peak is a plateau. And it didnt start to decline until cata. RDF didnt kill guilds in cataā€¦ raids did. RDF didnt make people leave the game entirely either, things like Tol Barad being imbalanced, vengeance working in pvp and poor loot tables did, and Dragonsoul being a bad raid tanks being 1 shot on Ragnaros heroic like Blood Dkā€™s did through 1 million valued blood shields.