Yeah, because those are universally good changes. I’m just glad RDF wasn’t there on release so I wouldn’t have to run endless random heroics to get every single piece of dungeon gear before Naxx released in my tryhard guild. I really couldn’t care less when or even if they actually added it, because I have friends and a guild to play with, as long as it’s not there on release.
Its been the retail way for a while. And these were retail staff before this came up.
BFA, SL and DF. Beta says yeah…this ain’t working well potentially. Feedback ignored.
We suffer it till x.1, x.2…and then ripcords get pulled.
See blizzard cares all you haterz goes the white knights.
Which they do I guess. Beta feedback given during prior expac still current finally acted on a year or so later.
Better late than never I suppose.
Subjective, and irrelevant. They are systems that were added before their original time, and so saying “it’s obvious they wouldn’t add RDF until its original time” is a terrible argument
Not all systems are the same. Not all systems should be treated the same. Good game designers are capable of nuance.
So you didn’t farm preBiS prior to naxx anyway?
Doesn’t seem to fit with your statement;
Did you not get pre raid gear by spamming dungeons regardless of RDF?
Not that Naxx is hard content but even my casual guild farmed preBiS…unless this is satire/sarcasm posting that I am missing the context on.
You should consider actually reading their reply. No where did they say they didn’t farm preBiS prior to naxx.
You didn’t read their post correctly.
I farmed preBiS on my dk before Naxx with no guild, so there ain’t no way a tryhard guild let anyone through without it just because RDF wasn’t a thing…
I am not interacting with you.
Have a pleasant day.
This is my thought as well, clearly meant to infer pre raid gear in their post.
Why wouldn’t you want to get PreBiS rather painlessly? RDF or not, wrath heroics are super easy.
I did dungeon spam, but I ended up missing out on 2-3 of the epic pieces. If RDF was in, I would’ve “needed” to spam random dungeons with a 1/12 chance of getting the one I need on top of hoping that the item drops. Because RDF bypasses the daily lockout, so you can infinitely farm dungeons but you don’t get to choose which one you do.
You should learn the basics of RDF before talking bad about.
You could queue for specific dungeons and pick the one you wanted once a day just like currently. So for people who had the slightest clue how it works you did the random and if it wasn’t the one you wanted queued for whatever one you did want. No requirement to spam.
or perhaps they wanted to add it when it was added in original wrath. I know it’s hard to think that makes any sense!
No that would make perfect sense if they’d you know just announced that from the start.
If they want people to who enjoy WotLK to play it… they better add RDF. Not having RDF drove so many players away for most of this expansion including myself. It’s not WotLK without the Classic feature that is RDF.
There is a reason why subs peaked in original WotLK to the highest levels when RDF was introduced. It’s the single best feature ever added to an MMO or WoW in history. Finally giving us RDF is like finally giving us WotLK.
But you wouldn’t have used it right?
Thank God that dingus Brian left, probably the entire reason we didn’t get RDF sooner
THis is the new anti spin. we didn’t get it by winning!
It was supposed to be there and a surprise.
It almost work except vague former words like “its not being looked at this time”…and story about WC was thought of and posted. As bad as it was, someone worked hard to think of that story.
If RDF was coming they could ahve skipped the WC story and said ICC. And thus…no year plus of rdf threads. Win win for all.
even ion gives roadmaps for crying out loud.
the problem with no rdf is that smaller realms have issues finding end game groups as well as all servers having a hard time leveling through dungeons, especially dungeons 1-70. Most people want and will take the easiest way to achieve these two things and rdf allows this to happen. I personally hate rdf, but i also dont level alts and I hardly pug.
Was literally mentioned in dev interviews months ago.
Muh nurture muh protect. Lmfao
Because they’re making sure wrath is authentic as possible, right? Boosts, tokens, dual spec, players able to roll a DK without a lvl 55, x-realm BGs, end game talents and class changes on release rather than “the same time line,” and all the other changes they made show this isn’t even a possibility.
It’s astounding that anyone would try to convince themself that releasing just one particular feature using the original time line makes perfect sense.
Systems and features were never on a time line, only content. And then there’s Birmingham contradicting what you “think” is going on here. “We’re always open to feedback, but I doubt we’ll change our mind on automatic dungeon finder. I know its contentious, but there are enough people cheering that I think we’re making the right call. We want players who don’t want it to have a place where they can play with out it.”
The only rational reason RDF is being released now is that the devs know they made a bad decision, and this is the way they try to save face.