Well, they could always add engame content there. Use that blocked zone next to it for an invasion point by the Dreadlords with dominated Anduin in the lead.
The lich king destroyed the thalassian elves so hard that he made their city into a carboard cut-out. Don’t let the elves know you know that though, they get really sensitive when they realize that their city is actually basically just a big homeless person’s carboard box.
Most likely not. The entire city isn’t rebuilt for flying. Anything outside of the visible range is incomplete, and holed… basically. Can fall through the map. Walls stop below visible lines, and you can see under the map. Enabling flying would mean blizzard would have to fix old content.
They’re more interested in making money, and not spending it.
Well, if you want to get technical on the matter:
Classic: Azeroth 1.0
Cata: Azeroth 2.0
Potential 10.0 Revamp: Azeroth 3.0
Honestly, with Chromie Time, I feel like they actually COULD put Classic era Azeroth back into the game. Maybe have a shared quest flag on certain quests that carried over into Azeroth 2.0 and were unchanged for Cataclysm?
By default, you’d be playing in Azeroth 3.0 for whatever the next expansion is and doing your 10-60 leveling in either SL/EK 3.0/Kal 3.0 with the theoretical 60-70 leveling being the new zones of the expansion.
Once Chromie Time is unlocked, picking Cata-BfA would instantly port you into Azeroth 2.0 as that would work with the vast majority of expansions. Hell, they might even be able to use phasing more extensively to recreate Stormwind as it was at the start of Cata with the old park area destroyed and the gates showing damage from Deathwing (on that note, bring DWs random zone wide everything dies attack back for playing Cataclysm in CT!). Switching to MoP/WoD shows repairs have begun, Legion and BfA shift it to a repaired SW with Lion’s Rest in place of the park.
Meanwhile, if you swap to Classic/BC/Wrath, you get ported into Azeroth 1.0, which I don’t think I need to explain too much. Modern changes such as LFG instances and level scaling would be implemented with the exception of flight. Therefore, you wouldn’t be undermining the entire purpose of WoW Classic. As far as SW/Org go, I suppose for consistency they’d just use the versions of those maps from 3.X. Granted, it would technically mean you could specifically pick Classic and see Stormwind Harbor (it wasn’t in the game until Wrath), but if one was going to nitpick about that detail, they are likely just playing actual Classic anyway.
This matter has already been addressed. And besides, why move it off Outland to begin with? They could cheese it by simply doing what they needed to do to the Ghostlands/Silvermoon whilst still leaving it in Outland. Just treat it like any other Outlands zone with a drop off into the void if you go beyond its borders. Not exactly elegant but it would save them cutting it out of Outland and dumping in North of Strathlholme. But again, as mentioned earlier, I don’t think that’s the main issue anyway. Seems to me like the elephant in the room is still Silvermoon.
alliance rogues don’t get an easy last mission. Its a long walk to this place to kill the silvermoon target for the final mount quest.
Long walk…
I’d have it the worst part of the rogue mount bit. even orgrimmar is okay. Drop in like a rock, run, kill the AH mark. take the rez sickness after you get killed and let it run out while you check out the new mount lol.
Yea exactly. I just sit here and shake my head to these unreasonable rants. Those two cities and zones are pretty much ghost towns. Why the hell would they spend the money and resources to update them “just to fly”. It doesn’t even take that long to travel across the zones on horseback.
There’s always got to be that one person that makes everything a faction debate and tries to turn the topic into “Blizzard favors (insert opposite faction here)!”
Mind you, this topic was started by an Alliance character, and much of the deeper technical aspects and ideas have been discussed between me and Chroesire (an Alliance mage in case you failed to notice that)
And really, this would benefit Alliance as well: you’d be able to directly go to Azuremyst, the Exodar, and Bloodmyst on your flying mount from Kalimdor.
But no, tell us again how Blizzard won’t consider something unless it benefits the Horde. That’s a new and exciting debate talking point that none of us have ever heard in the last 17 years
And for what it’s worth: I mained Alliance from 2005-2016 and have most likely played the “Blizzard favors Horde!” card myself more times than I would care to admit on far more inflammatory topics such as racial skills, class balance, and city design (specifically in regards to raiding Orgrimmar).
What have you got? “Horde’ll get Silvermoon flying because Blizzard likes them!”
First they they would have to completely remodel Silvermoon, Eversong Woods, The Ghostlands, and Isle of Quel’Danas to patch up all the holes in the hills and make the buildings actually 3D.
Then they would need to remodel a good portion of the Plaguelands to be able to fit in the remodeled zones without the geometry clipping through anything, because Silvermoon is currently located on the Outland world map.
Next, they would have to redo the placement of every NPC, mob, graveyard, gathering node, and dungeon/raid entrance (Isle).
Then they would also have to modify all the quests to point to the correct co-ordinates on the Eastern Kingdoms map. A simple copy/paste would not work.
Finally, they would need to spend months testing all of these changes because it’s very likely they will have missed something.
Also, all of this would need to simultaneously be done for the Draenei areas to prevent cries of “Horde Favoritism.”
It’s just too much time, effort, and money to justify doing as it would cater to too small an audience.
The only way it would get done is if another cata-style world revamp happens again or if a future expansion had a large amount of content in those zones.
Well the fix is pretty darn simple, just implement invisible walls (and ceiling) and maybe some 2d textures (3d models) to give the illusion of the other islands in the distance to cover up the outlands. Maybe put more stuff in the background in outlands to cover that up as well.
I’m just hoping that belves get more than the cursory nods they’ve received in every expansion since introducing them as a PR in Burning Crusade. How much time has passed in-world since TBC? And blood elves are still reeling from the scourge attack? Kael’thas is back in the game lore, potentially as redeemable, but SMC is still acting as though Arthas was just there yesterday. It’s time to bring the sin’dorei (and the dranei) into the modern wow platform; aesthetically, lore-wise, and functionally (actually attached to the world, not instanced with Outland).
A major story development in a future expac would do that, and also bring us back to the old world for current content. Blood Elves are a major, powerful cornerstone of the Horde, representative of the heart and passion and political savvy that is lacking from the other races. A long way from the meme race they used to be and they need some love.
They’re also have to create an area or possible subzone for Zul’Aman like they did for the Ruins of Ahn Qiraj. I don’t believe its actually integrated into the physical space on the TBC map.