Will we ever be able to fly in silver moon?

I think it would be cool to implement this


Last time I asked for this I had an avalanche of ragers very much against it. No idea why. But short answer is due to the shortcuts taken in the creation of Silvermoon (it’s basically a 2D pop-up book), it would necessitate completely rebuilding the city, so…yea. :confused:


It’s unlikely. I think its probably just too much work for too little reward/reason. Unless they need it for some expansion lore reason down the road, I doubt they’d ever revamp it and add flying “just because.”

I don’t know why people would be so vehemently against it, though?

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there’s a lot of missing graphics.

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Sounds like we need a Silvermoon update


I’d be surprised if anyone raged. They probably just said why it most likely won’t be done.

As you said, there’s a crap ton of work that would have to go into rebuilding the entire zone.

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No hopefully not

not in the budget.

no ROI

yah there is. Blood elves are the most popular race. Make them happy so they keep paying money and more people racechange to blood elf. While we’re at it, bring back the silence. Lots of roi

they’re paying now, without any of that investment.

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To do it for Silvermoon, they’d have to do it for the Draenai starting area as well. And it’s a lot of work, for not much payoff.

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they wouldn’t have to cuz horde favoritism :wink:

no. it would require rebuilding and migrating the entire zone.

Actiblizz won’t spent extra on something it knows will not generate boatloads of cash when they can make a trashy reskin of a currently popular phone game and slap an IP themed skin on it and make bank

Tigergrunt = Silvermoon Harry?

(Joke aside, I’m all for flying around Silvermoon and Azuremyst Isle )


Problem is, it’s not just Silvermoon that’d need to be revamped in order to enable flying — it’d be a good chunk of southern Eversong and Ghostlands as well.

This is because Eversong+Ghostlands aren’t on the same map as Eastern Kingdoms, but instead is a chunk of land on the Outland map floating out just beyond maximum view distance to the east of Hellfire Peninsula (if you turn your camera just right while standing on the edge of HFP, you can see its outline).

Because it’s a floating chunk, the map artists never gave much thought to making the map physically compatible with the Eastern Kingdoms map. As a result, the lower southeast quadrant of Ghostlands (Deatholme) actually occupies the same physical space as Stratholme in Eastern Plaguelands. More details including pictures can be found here.

So enabling flying in that area would be a significant effort. I’d love to see it happen, but it’s not likely.


its not doable because the zone itself is on the outlands zone map. go and fly to the edge of nagrand and put the depth settings on max and you’ll see the very edges of silvermoon city.


Azuremyst+Bloodmyst are pretty close to ready already. There are parts of the Exodar’s interior that are a bit wonky, but it’s nothing egregious and if they wanted to they could just disable flight in the Exodar only (which kinda makes sense anyway, I mean you’re inside a of a ship).

they would have to redo sunwell area as well.

I am aware that Silvermoon and the old Exodar zones are on the Outlands map. I’ve never understood why people would somehow view that as a impediment in and of itself. Last time I checked, you can fly no probs in Outland.

Again, the reason for no flying there has nothing to do with Outland. It’s purely about the fact that Silvermoon is basically not a 3D object and as such has holes and broken assets all over the place. Also I think the entire city is classed as one object in the game files so they can’t just fix bits of it. They would have to delete the entire thing and start from scratch. That’s the reason. Nothing whatsover to do with Outland.

It should also be noted that It’s mostly Silvermoon that’s the issue. The old Exodar is underground and as such does not have the same issue that Silvermoon does. They could probs enable flying just for Azuremyst Isle tomorrow if they wanted to.

Oh there were ragers alright. Remember Rhielle, this is the wow forum we’re talking about. Even you had a totally innocuous thread false flagged into oblivion only recently. People on here be crazy.

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Depends on if making those zones flyable comes with merging them into their respective continents. As you’ve noted Azuremyst/Bloodmyst don’t pose much of an issue, but Ghostlands is physically incompatible with the zones it borders which means either the EK map or the Ghostlands would need non-trivial reworking done to make a merge work.

I guess they could fix Silvermoon alone and pop up invisible walls on the southern end of the map, but that’s kinda halfassed.

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