Will Tyrande's owl be safe? (SPOILERS)

After Sylvanas’ judgement, we see Tyrande sends her owl Dori’thur to watch Sylvanas in the Maw while she does her soul quest. Several people have said “how can Tyrande do that to her bird?”

I’ve thought about it, and while I can see the complaints, I think the owl might be safe. In Warcraft 3 that bird is unkillable, even by Archimonde himself. Does the owl have some sort of ability to avoid danger in lore? Or is the Maw less dangerous after everything we’ve done? I’m not sure whether Sylvanas would protect the owl.

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Its a conjured magical entity, which may or may not be a manifestation of Elune’s will at this point. I think it shall be fine.


Dori’thur has a magic ability called Harsh Moonlight, and that’s what one shot both Nathano’s dogs in the Tyrande vs Nathanos cinematic. I’m sure she will be fine.

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Anyone that is worried for the bird has never met a bird before.

It’s an angry toddler with knife feet. I think it’ll be fine, even if it wasn’t a magical goddess blessed moon bird.


You forgot bolt cutter beaks.

Do not mess with large birds, they will ruin your day.


larger magic moon LAZER birds, to be perscise. Ironically, Dori’thur may be more powerful than Sylvanas is now that she isnt getting Jailer mojo anymore.


The bird is magic??? When was this explained, lol

The spirit owl will be fine.

Dori’thur is the large, snowy spirit owl companion of Tyrande Whisperwind

An owl scout can be summoned by the Priestess of the Moon and used to scout the map. Owls are invulnerable and can be controlled. Higher level owls last longer, can see further, and are faster. The owl can be incredibly important when used to camp over the enemy’s army.[1] The owls are not living creatures, but instead, they are conjured by night elven magic.


Fun fact to consider, as Torgast is part of the Maw, Tyrande is going to have Sylvanas empty every room of an infinitely large tower of souls that changes its arrangement at random.

Did you miss the fact it literally glows in the dark like the moon and is sapient enough for Tyrande to consider it a dear friend? But yeah, it can fry people with moonfire.


I thought it was just a pet owl she had to replace constantly b/c she outlives it lmao

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Nah way, Tyrande has two creatures associated with her: Dori’thur the spirit owl, and Ash’alah the saber cat who is likely a minor wild god as she is as old as Tyrande.


You’re saying the cat can get rebirthed if it dies then right?

Possibly? we dont know what its deal is; only its 10,000 years old.


Ah, Dorothy and Ash God

And nearly all of them can FLY. Plus the larger ones can also knife-fight WITH THEIR FACES!



It’ll be on the BBQ before you can blink. Hope you like it with a side of arrow.

And Dori’thur can Moonfire things to death if something really angers it :stuck_out_tongue:


I’m sorry WUT, Thadeus. You have been holding out your humor on us!

This is the best post.

Nathanos would be terrified if birds evolved to fight with knives. Though at that point his fear of birds would be justified.

I don’t know how … but I’ve missed that bird :laughing::laughing:
Noticed it for first time in the Darkshore cinematic :laughing::laughing:

There is a reason that Dori’thur looking at Nathanos had startled him in Terror of Darkshore. Especially when Nathanos was already thinking Mal’furion may have returned.