Will Tyrande kill Sylvanas? (Spoiler discussion.)

It seems in The Nightfae Campaign we see Tyrande isn’t stuck in the maw at all.

She’s there because she wants to be. Consumed by wrath and just slaying everything in her path, refusing to leave until Sylvanas is dead.

Do you think they’re setting her up to deliver the killing blow?

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As gratifying as this would be to see, I kind of doubt it. Based on how Sylvanas has been treated lately, I think Blizzard will likely have her go out in a blaze of glory. Either dying to us player characters, or giving her life so that we can stand a better chance against the Jailer.

And this is assuming that Blizzard decides to kill her off at all.


It is a possibility. I do think that Sylvanas’s story will end in Shadowlands.

Well there are 4 possibilities, in Order whats best for the Night Elves to what is worst

  1. Tyrande Kills Sylvanas and ends her story, big victory for the Night Elves, time for an Ewok Party
  2. Tyrande doesn’t get the kill on Sylvanas, and has to deal with her kill being “Stolen”. You could reasonably continue her story from there and wrap up her issues some other way
  3. Sylvanas gets a redemption and Tyrande Forgives her, not all that good tbh, does a disservice to both their characters.
  4. Sylvanas get’s a redemption and Tyrande Dies as a Raid Boss. This would be… a slap in the face.

No, because I don’t think they’d have her kill both Nathanos and Sylvanas.


Tyrande has been throwing Stygia all over the place in the Scenario incidentally so she is actually wielding one of the powers of the Maw against the realm’s denizens!

If Sylvanas finds herself face to face with Tyrande she will find her own power used against her!

Whatever happens the forums will be a s*** show


They wouldn’t allow that in a million years.

Not even the Nathanos kill will be permanent, Tyrande will be useless again

Or Sylvanas one shots Tyrande and then gets a redemption

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Sad to say, I kind of doubt it. Largely because I can’t see them having Tyrande follow Kael’s path entirely. She’ll learn some lesson and allow some restraint at some point in Shadowlands. Until then though, she’s gonna rampage.

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Unfair, the forums are always a s***show


The only way to make this not disgusting is to let Tyrande get a bit of justice for Teldrassil and kill Sylvanas


Knowing Blizzard, no.

Sylvanas will either :

  1. Be redeemed Kerrigan-style (puke)

  2. Be a super genius and manage to outwit the Jailer and carry her plan onto the next xpac (double puke)

Choose your poison


We have a winner. I’m not even sure if I’m joking, Blizzard do love doing the dumbest possible option.

Tyrande hits Sylvanas with an Ultra Instinct Elune beam that …

… revives Sylvanas back to her pre-banshee self complete with intact soul and a massive power boost…

This depowers Tyrande to the point that the Night Warrior powers are no longer a threat to her…

…Sylvanas, now mentally clear and sober has the agonizing realization of everything she has done…

…Sylvanas freaks out and destroys the jailer with her newfound dread and Moon-inspired powers…

…Both the Jailer and Sylvanas are utterly obliterated, not even stygia remains…

Forums argue for the next xx years about if Sylvanas, Tyrande or Elune are the hero of the expansion.



(Satire): No, Thrall will put down Sylvanas, as it’s his duty to put down errant Warchiefs of the Horde to redeem it.

(Commentary): That, and he promised Tyrande in the recent novel that he’d bring her Sylvanas’ head so… this might not be as far fetched as I thought, actually.


I kind of get the feeling that Thrall will deliver on his promise and bring her head to Tyrande.


I wonder what happens with this unfulfillable promise. Either Thrall dies or Tyrande dies I guess, either that or Sylvanas gets redeemed so hard that Tyrande doesn’t want her head anymore.

There’s not a chance

Enough for me to speculate it happening.

I had thought Tyrande will kill Sylvanas, but now I don’t think so since she’s killing Nathanos.

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Hopefully The Jailer will finally be the first character in Warcraft history to expect Sylvanas, and he’ll shut her down before she can betray him.

Then she’ll “join” us to stop him. And be “redeemed” by proxy of helping us.