Will Tyrande kill Sylvanas? (Spoiler discussion.)


Godamnit, there goes my dinner.

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I think Sylvanas getting Archimonde’d by all the souls whose lives/unlives she has ruined is the most likely scenario.


I really hope she’s been getting played. Like, hardcore, her Primes were always in the service of the Jailor (there is some wiggle room for that). The deal that they made her was way to tilted in Sylvie’s favor. They’re the ones who led her to Heyla, who also is in the Shadowlands and apparently in the service of the Jailor. And we know from Vol’jin, Illidan, and by the looks of it Arthas, that at the moment of someone’s death a powerful enough death entity can pull a soul from their destined afterlife to one of their choosing.

There would be something so cathartic about her being pushed in a direction convenient for another with a half-truth and false motivation. Her being a mere tool for the use of someone else, like she has used so many others. And her ultimate realization that while the Maw was not her destined eternity at the end of ICC, it certainly is now after all she’s done to avoid it.


Maybe the most satisfying and befitting outcome that I have heard yet for Sylvanas. But no, I don’t think it is the most likely.


Whatever happens, i get the feeling neither of them are coming back from the Shadowlands. Blizzard seems to be setting Forsaken up with Voss/calia and the Night Elves with Shandris.

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Have red that now a few times.
Is that confirmed or just an assumption based on the color of her strange blobs she throws out?

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This topic is giving me flashbacks of when Nazjatar was announced. Everyone was saying:

“Wut? Tyrande should be there! Her and Azshara have history and they need to have a show down- snatching weaves and throwing shoes!”

And sure, that is kind of true. However, it wasn’t the story Blizzard wanted to tell. Similarly, people are saying this stuff about Tyrande and Sylvanas.

I do see an issue with making everyone Tyrande’s enemy and never letting her get justice. But on the flip side, there is an issue about what justice other characters should get. Alleria wants to kill Sylvanas. Many on the Horde want to kill her. Heck, Sylvanas probably has enemies we never even knew existed. And Azshara might be out making more enemies, herself.

Uther got to throw Arthas in the Maw. Thrall got to kill Garrosh. Sylvanas didn’t get justice against Arthas or Garrosh, though - not in such a one on one manner. I guess there’s just a lot of blood on so many people’s hands, that not everyone can get that sort of justice all the time.



More like will have to kill Tyrande.


I love the suggestion of her going out Archimonde style with the souls of the people who she killed.

But I don’t expect it because I 100% do not believe Sylvanas will be dying here. We’re going to get a Draenor is free moment and I am completely certain of this.

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Of course not. I’m sure Shadowlands will end in the most predictable way possible everyone expects.

Sylvanas will end up being right. Whatever shes doing will end up being the right thing to do. And Blizzard will expect us as players to accept that.


Assumption I’m afraid. Stygia Spells definitely resembles Tyrande’s Magic in the Scenario…

The only Spells that resemble Tyrande’s come from the Maw and no where else…

Incidentally the Forsworn and Memory Elementals in Bastion all use the other form of Maw Spells. The Maw also has Memory Elementals lurking around the place.

Considering those who take Elune’s gift don’t end with happy endings probably not. Honestly i’d find it kind of boring, uninteresting if they just kill Sylvanas off like that

It’s boring if we get a third Sylvanas expansion.

Let Tyrande get the promised justice for Teldrassil, done.


Ah oki.
I also wondered why they chose the spells to look like that.
My assumption simply was: Its a beta and they have that effects lying around somewhere.

In Darkshore she used effects that looked like Shadow damage for example as they have had these effects lying around because of all the void stuff happening.

So I think for now we should interprete too much jnto it.
What we do know however is that Tyrande was indeed bestowed a darker power than moonlight.
It doesn’t howeer necessariy needs to be connected to the dark powers we know, could be something entirely different.
Same as it is with moonlight.
Canonly it is some kind of holy power but it is not holy light a priest or paladin wields.

Personally I would like to see a cgi with tyrande going on a rampage against sylvanas loyalists and sylvanas à la Archer.


I also would like to see for once a NE in a cinematic … has been a while since classic.

Also since blizzard allways fails to to that GoT stuff plot twist thingy … and allways end up with the most obvious solution:
One would be Tyrande at the end killing Sylvanas.
The whole BFA and SL Plot revolves around exactly that.


I’m hoping vol’jin’s spirit also helps take down sylvanas. I think it would be appropriate since he put her in a position of power in the first place. A team up between him and tyrande could be really cool if done well. Tyrande would still get the killing blow.


If that’s the case why don’t we just get new characters all the time instead of reusing the same faction characters or killing them off for shock. There really hasn’t been that much Sylvanas than what people say there is lol

That’s been my fear ever since 8.1 and the Night Warrior stuff. Their replacements are getting constant development and in Shandris’ case she’s become an Anduin follower so Blizzard is practically screaming at us how they are saying Tyrande good bye for good. So I guess Shadowlands will finally be the last expansion I play.

Shandris is a character that I can’t stand. It is such a cringefest and such a badly written one… Her character feels so forced into and she even looks bad. Who was responsible for her mog …

I don’t think Blizzard is building her up to replace Tyrande actually and even if so, she would have Malfurion and Maiev to counter her.
Shandris is just a convinient character to fill up the NE quota in some random quests because every other character would not have so less self respect to do that stuff.
Or could you imagine Maiev running around with 2 gnomes, Umbric and Rambo as a slapstick combo for some semi-realistic sabotage missions?

Shandris is a practical idiot unfortunately …

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