Will this game become more friendly to spider phobes in the future?

I really like this game and enjoy playing it with my friends. But a lot of times they go to maps with spiders, and I’ve suffered from the phobia of spiders since I was a kid.
In fact, when you’re trying to complete the story line or keep farming dungeons for gear, you’ll be driven crazy by these monsters and won’t even be able to stop seeing them!
I know some games have added an " Spiderphobia friendly mode" that replaces the spider model with something else. Is it possible to do this in the future for World of Warcraft?


Probably not.

While there’s no harm in asking, it’s a pretty big ask from the game developer.

I’d say you’re better off asking a modder or something. Or learning to mod yourself. Fantasy games will very commonly have spider enemies.

I doubt it because if they did that, then what is next? Do we limit the use of snakes or cats for people who have a fear of them as well.


There are many spider mobs including bosses and an entire spider race important to the lore (nerubians) . How do you expect them to creat tons of new mobs models and literaly, change the history of the game to justify the replacement? All this because less than 1% of the players have fear of spiders…

Don’t get me wrong. I have fear of spiders and snakes too, but it don’t botter me ingame. Except for the new tarantulas they added during BFA, that model is really scary. But makes no sense creat a entire new phase just to change something silly like this. And even if they did it, you problably would have to play alone the entire time, because you would be separated by phases, because it is the only way to make players see diferent things in the same place.

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:thinking:I wonder if I should get a spider on my hunter for PvP.

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I get being afraid of real spiders, but I don’t quite understand being afraid of not real spiders.

I’m not trying to be insensitive or anything, and I also understand that phobias aren’t necessarily rooted in rationality, but the spiders in game are not real.


we need bigger spiders!


I have a thing against moths. I get the people that have a thing against spiders. But I do think it would be a little much for either of us to ask that these things be made somehow optional. I don’t use the moth mounts or the moth backpack. But an in-game model isn’t going to stop me from doing a daily or killing a rare. And if someone reacts strongly enough to actually interfere with gameplay? The onus is on that person to get help with their issue, not on a video game company to accommodate it when resources could be used elsewhere.


This again. There was another thread about this a couple of months ago.

I remain of the opinion that if you provide an answer to one phobia, especially on these forums, what’s going to happen is people are going to come out of the woodwork with their phobias. And basically ask for solutions for them too. It’d be an impossible ask to tend to all phobias.

There’s no harm in asking. But I don’t think it’s something which should be responded to. If you have a phobia of something, either you can work toward dealing with it and confronting it, or don’t. WoW is very cartoony. None of the spiders in this game look realistic. I’m sorry but I don’t think they should provide this.


I’m not trying to be rude, but given the vast number of phobias and dislikes out there, is it really feasible to cater to them all, without ending up with everything just being amorphous blobs? And then there’s probably someone scared of them, too…

That’s precisely it. In a universe with infinite time and resources, this would be reasonable. But there are limits on developer time and resources, thus these requests are unreasonable.

Spiders in games don’t bother me 99% of the time. I guess my fear of them is pure ooga booga monke brain fear. Don’t even feel a twinge of disgust when I see one in a game, but even a tiny house spider hits me with a spike of adrenaline and involuntary backing away. Conan exiles spiders are the only ones that ever triggered a little disgust.

Now deep water, that scares the [blank] out of me irl and in games.

The real world is often a great source of inspiration.
Unfortunately for you, that means Spiders being baddies. And at quite a frequent rate.

I’ve actually come to really love Spiders in WoW. I also hate spiders. A phobia? I wouldn’t say so. Not saying we are equal, clearly you have a rooted fear/hatred for them.

But maybe you could come to accept the video game versions. Seek out the mount Spider. Make a Hunter and have a Spider as a pet. Face your fears, so to speak. Might be different than fighting / killing them.

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I’d love that honestly. It sucks cause I’m a hardcore arachniphobe but like, half my fave zones have spiders. My fave zone is hinterlands and it’s almost perfect but there’s just so many damn spiders. I can’t imagine that it would be an easy task though or very practical. Just gotta try and avoid the shadraspawn as much as i can

I have arachnophobia too but the wow spiders just don’t trigger it for me think it’s cause they are too cartoony, the spiders in Witcher 3 hearts of stone dlc tho, but in wow I even had a pet as a spider with hunter

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This is another thing too. I’m sure I’m about to sound harsh, but there should be a level of responsibility on people to also make strides on overcoming their fears.

I have an intense fear of deep water. When I had been going through Vash’jr, I had been holding my breath and outright terrified. Much the same when I had been doing the quest during BFA to get brother Proudmoore’s body out of the ocean.

But it’s silly to ask that Blizzard somehow accommodate my irrational fear of deep water and somehow make me able to skip a quest, or in the case of Vash’jr, an entire zone. I sometimes still have to go back there, and it still messes me up thoroughly. Especially that super deep spot with limited vision with the whirlpool in the middle. Gives me the heebeejeebies just thinking about it.

But it’s up to me to take some responsibility and confront these issues. If it’s bad enough, I should seek aid of people capable of assisting me. The same applies here.


those tiny little jumping spiders the size of a pea make me nuts lol…Ive got the phobia bad. Which is really odd given I love snakes and other kinds of bugs.
But I do love spiders in fantasy video games for some reason. Maybe its that I can kill them in such dramatic fashion lol

I still have a visceral reaction when I come across a moth in WoW. But you would need to essentially make a second alternative game’s worth of work to accommodate every individual distaste or phobia, so I would never ask that I be given an option to “turn off” that which I revile.

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This is why I use spiders as my hunter pets in pvp.

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