Will this game become more friendly to spider phobes in the future?

There’s always Hello Kitty Island Adventure. :heart:

If you are indeed serious though, avoiding the areas as much as possible, or as someone else suggested, make an addon or look into addons that may change the appearances of mobs.


Use the game as a way to learn to deal with your phobias by smooshing all the spiders! But yeah it would be hard to make the game for phobic people as there are so many Spiders, snakes, birds, bugs in general, water, fear of heights just to name some of the more common ones.

I used to have a jumping spider that lived in the window next to my computer desk. Whenever I sat down to use the comp, he would jump onto the desk, climb up on top of the monitor and sit there and watch me play. Sometimes he would lean over and look down on the screen to watch what I was playing. Never figured out why he did it and haven’t seen him for a few years, kinda miss the little guy at times.

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just grossing me out, man, lol.
I had one on the blinds here…smaller than a pinky finger nail.
Yeah, that little blanker had to die. Watching me with those beady little eyes. :nauseated_face::nauseated_face:

It’s likely male. Jumping spiders have binocular vision so the movement of the screen attracts them and well this is the time of year they mate then die so :expressionless:

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Do it for 1, it opens the floodgates to do it for all and given anyone can come up with a phobia for literally anything, I’m not a fan of snakes, spiders, or bugs like centipedes and seeing one IRL is my queue to make it die. IDGAF what good they do for the ecosystem. Invade my living space, your life is forfeit. Perks of being higher on the evolution chain.

But it’s just pixels on a screen when it comes to WoW.

You should try a cool factory game called Satisfactory out. Go wander into the swamp.

Nothing bad will happen.

I promise… :japanese_ogre:

This thread yearns for the 404…

Or…and hear me out. You get treatment for your phobia.

No thanks. In fact make them bigger, hairier, and more realistic looking. This is WARCRAFT.