Will they fix M+ in Season 2 of War Within?

They will say the follow:

“We have listened to your feedback and the current state of mythic plus, and have made the following changes. We will be going back to +20 keys to open mythics to all of our player base.”

We will rejoice.

3 days later

“We have increased challengers peril to be 5 minutes per a death. We want to have serious consequences to every death, while rewarding each completion.”

Yes please

A more balanced dungeon pool would help a lot.

Just farm 4s they are very easy and you can grind to ilvl 619 really easily, the low key experience is still there and arguably even more rewarding. :man_shrugging:

No, Blizzard will fix low shop sales first and add more store mounts.

M+ is the lowest of its priority.

farming 2s,3s, & 4s is in no way fun at all for the above average player lol

The above average player wouldn’t need to farm low keys to upgrade gear before progressing.