Will they fix M+ in Season 2 of War Within?

In all seriousness… Will they fix M+ in season 2?

It seems that the keystone crush has been awful for the game & have yet to hear anyone say that they enjoy it. Tyran & Fort being combined scores, to say lightly… Is awful for the game.

Used to be so much fun going into a new week with all new affixes, & having to blast keys for fort and tyran scores separately. Made for way more content, where as right now… Only 1 affix is changing per week & a decent percentage of people timed all 10s in the first 3-4 weeks, which seems to be the highest worth doing considering anything over 11s are miserable in most pugs.

My advice to blizzard. Go back to season 4 M+ traits. Allow the m+ community to have fun pushing up into 20-25s and separate tyran and fort week scores.



Oh I have a lot of thoughts on M+s now…

I’m sure they are as hard as they were Season 4 of DF, where they alienated a huge chunk of the player base who just liked having a good time and killing things ez-pz. Season 4 DF made a level M+10 in Season 3 DF to a M+2. In other words what was a level 10 in Season 3 is now a level 2 in Season 4 in Dragonflight.

It’s not good to alienate the casuals. Please fix.

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nah, they’ll make it worse calling it a better change (see current state)

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Probably not.

It’s worse than S4.

S4 we still had:

  • Tank power (decent self sustain ability, strong staying power)
  • Trinkets scaling normally for all roles (no debuff if tank or healer). It was lovely to have our MW use rage heart. Constant battery damage around mobs.

So further to the keystone squish they remove power from the one role people generally feel less compelled to play.

I was a Blood DK S3 and S4 and admittedly I miss having both Fyra’lath and Augury.


The keystone squish was enough to make me not wanna play. The way it is now sounds awful!!!

I had a lot of fun pushing for +10s early and I personally really like having both tyr+fort in +10s as you don’t see trash or bosses melt during a certain week and you don’t have to think about different fort/tyr routes. I like the affixes even if they feel a bit buggy at times, way better than bolstering etc.

There might be changes to be done for lower levels but I don’t really do them.


Season 4 of df was one of the easiest seasons we ever had

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It’s admittedly not too bad. I did tank about 8 keys last week on my main, Wish.

Power seems to be a lot more in Blizzards court than before. Essentially it went from tanks/healers getting a lot of their power from items to ‘choosing’ the right class with the right hero talents. (Not denying it’s always been the case, but moreso).

Want a killer tank/healer combo right now? Discipline Priest + Protection Paladin. With the buffs and damage they bring it’s actually kinda crazy.

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You’re now doing M+4s and getting legendary ratings {orange}. In S3 you couldn’t even get that if you tried. Shush you!

I was was “orange” season 2 and 3

Season 3 and 4 of df were the easiest seasons the game has ever seen, ksh was free

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I have a theory…

With the induction of Follower Dungeons, I have a strong feeling we will eventually just run Mythic + Keystones with an AI tank and healer. That’ll certainly solve the issue of role balance!

And honestly, given Mythic + content in its current state, I wouldn’t even mind playing that way.

You misunderstood me. You couldn’t get an “orange” rating running a M+4, because too many people could do them with ease. You got an “orange” rating because you are very, very good and did high level mythics.

I just want a chance to play with my friends on my level do lowbie mythics. It doesn’t hurt you if you do a 25 versus a 15, because Blizzard unsquishes it.

What the tyr/fort change at 10+ is the best thing about m+ right now…

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Orange is just a color when you reach a certain rating (used to be like 2500)

You mean will they make it so easy that you’ll end up with an inflated score to stroke your ego and make you feel like youre better than you actually are?

I hope not

I get it… :roll_eyes:

What I mean is, it had nothing to do with the number of people at or above a rating

So do 0s since they now have a daily lockout.
If you need to feel and affix, do 2s.

There ya go. Lowbies

Some people like to play when they aren’t totally themselves like at a party with their friends… And kick booty doing lowbie dungeons to have fun in that state.

I was doing 15s as well, but most of the time I didn’t feel like it. It was just “fun” and you can FARM GEAR IN THERE TOO with your buddies. It was a good time ruined by Blizzard to appeal to people like you when it didn’t matter!