Will These Queues Ever Change?

Of course im blaming the playerbase. All of the issues were having right now (besides bad moderation + implementation of changes as that’s on blizz 100%) is player caused.

Mass transfers? Players.
Dead servers? Caused by players moving.
Queues? Players caused it because everybody and their mom wants to cram into a already full server
GDKPS becoming the norm vs softres?: Players being impatient. Pay to get your gear.
Over inflation of gold due to RMT for gdkps? Players caused this due to 0 moderation.
People being banned in AV/BGs for being “AFK” when playing objectives in an objective game? 95% on bad players and sweaty player mentality and 5% on blizz’s garbage reporting system.

The crappy queues and lack of server choices due to them culling way to many in August is 100% on Blizz. Update your god damn potato servers.

It’s embarassing in 2022 to have such garbage servers when FF14’s team has more players on there playing on all their servers than Classic AND retail combined, and they were open and transparent about their queues and the server strain.

This would work but it would be easier to do by time spent on server (On Grobb since it’s creation in Aug 2019, End of Classic, TBC , End of TBC-WOTLK prepatch) than do by guild. Lots of rp guilds got made, disbanded, remade between these 4 years of Classic and it would be a mess.

Also queue last night was bad even as someone on EST. Logged on at 5PM, made dinner for the fam, cleaned up and chores but still didn’t get in until 8PM. I don’t expect it to be any better tonight.

you take it instead

It will get substantially worse.

Fortunately, Blizzard increased the layer cap from 4 to 12, and then queues have come down slightly. But as a previous poster already indicated, this is nowhere near peak demand for the server. This is a random week in pre-patch. Wait until actual launch. We will likely see 50,000-person queues stretching almost 16 hours at their worst. And no, Blizzard cannot just magically “increase server capacity” - that would require hardware updates that they are assuredly not going to implement.

I think some people here might even have some misconceptions about how layers work. They’re virtualized environments with unique mobs, vendors and segregated player populations. But all the queries going back and forth from the server remain, regardless of how many layers you have. Although layers do succeed in dispersing some of the server load, they do not obviate it. Grobbulus is barely stable at 10 layers. Once you start getting past that number, things start going to hell. NPCs don’t respond, you cannot loot, you get stuck on flight paths. They could make 100 layers if they wanted to, but without increased server capacity it wouldn’t matter.

To make a long story short - more people currently want to play on Grobb than can feasibly play on Grobb.

There is no “solution” for this problem. Sure, they halted transfers. But they didn’t suspend new characters being created on the server, nor boosts. And although they have dangled a carrot on a stick with free transfers, the destination realms are absolutely dead. Sure, they might see a short-term uptick in activity with these transfers, but most people I know taking the free transfer are just doing so on an alt they don’t really care about, to play a little bit of WoW instead of staring at a queue. I cannot help but predict that Old Blanchy will be a ghost town a couple weeks into Wrath. Maybe Sulfuras will make it, maybe it won’t. But last I checked it was a 90% Horde realm, so you’re not looking at the type of activity, opportunity or world PvP balance that Grobbulus has. Least of all the utter lack of an RP scene. These transfers aren’t a solution, and as we can see from the persistent queues, the hyper-majority of players are failing to take this bait.

We’re going to have to deal with the queues going forward. They’re going to get longer. I think they will persist deep into the next expansion. Adjust your raid times, etc, accordingly. Eventually, enough people might quit from being literally unable to play after work/school that the queues might alleviate a bit. But people are stubborn, and really want to play Wrath, so I suspect that exodus to be a slow one.

I just wanted to voice my own disappointment along with you guys.

It’s frustrating that we’re seeing these queues day after day with no hint from Blizzard that they’re working to change it. I used a free transfer to move one character to Sulfuras just to be able to play, but I don’t want to leave Grobbulus - I’ve made some good friends here, the balance and world PvP are pretty great, there’s a solid economy, it’s got everything.

I don’t want to get into speculating about causes or possible fixes, just to lend my voice to the call for a real solution.

87 min? Mine is at over 200 min. Blizzard needs to get it together.

I agree with you, Grobbulus really does have the everything. Blizzard just sucks. I hate so much spending my money with a company that could care less about its players. Every time I leave this game it’s never because I’m bored. It’s 100% always because I get sick of this kind of BS that Blizzard just flat out refuses to fix. Ridiculous.

Take the bait? There is no bait. They’ve offered dead servers and no rp options. That wasn’t bait. That was Blizzard patting us on the head and hoping that eases our frustration. They could offer viable options that many people might jump at, but they choose not to.

Well, well, well… Look at where we are, 450-minute queue… nothing has been fixed, no propositions other than abandon ship, at this rate I’ll be needing a refund for my sub given I can’t even play the darn game.