I have been playing deadlock mostly this week so I don’t really know the state of balance. Will they actually add tuning or is wow pvp going to be thrown in the garbage bin?
Homie! Any chance you wanna hook me up with an invite? No worries if not!
Yes I can once I get back home from work. Something that blizzard devs don’t do.
what do you want to see tuned?
I’m biased but would like to see no CD repentance gone for hpals
Are we complaining about 1.5 sec hardcast dispellable cc that the hpal with almost no cc avoidance tools needs to comprise his positioning to land
i’m a big crybaby and ill take any edge i can get as long as it doesnt require me to change or improve
Hell ya!!!
Has anybody looked at the effects of the TW Raid items?
nerf the $#!% out of BM hunter for one
Is an Evoker really complaining about balance?
its so weird how different terrains can effect balance so much
i dont do arena, pmcuh do nothing but randoms and blitz… and i gotta say… im having a lot of fun and the balance doesnt seem too bad
but dang, take way all that space, make it a 3v3 and the whole dynamic shifts.
this game will never be balanced, at least not for all game modes
Spammable cc is always the best cc.
Can we make this a copypasta for anytime someone complains about their class?
Some dk st buffs, enough to make it viable but not op ( deathcoil, scourge strike and obliterate).
Same for chaos bolt, destro instant pad build sux, there’s no incentive to play the old hard cast playstyle.
Balance druids need some tankiness, it’s probably the squishiest caster right now. That issue can easily be resolved if they get access to survival of the fittest.
Resto druid buffs? Hpriests? (Rsham a bit). Buff the bottom 3 up so all healers are at least at the same throughput level.
Nerf BM, that spec should never be better than the other 2 hunter specs in a competitive setting, it’s far too braindead.
Edit: i almost forgot, feral bleed nerfs. About 10% should do.
Edit 2: as much as i dont wanna say it, dh and ret need a slight st buff too. Dh probably a bit more than ret to be fair.
Better changes than blizz would ever come up with!!! Down with the man!!!
I’d be careful about obliterate, because I think FDK can still do fdk things, but I honestly don’t have enough data/haven’t seen it enough to have a strong opinion.
I think there were just tunings for that, no?
Either way I’m all for like a 15% buff to chaos bolt and a corresponding nerf to wither/blackened soul.
I agree that boomy is the squishiest class in the game right now and needs some love in pve AND pvp in the tuning department, but you gotta be careful how it’s done. Boomy actually has really good burst damage right now if you can cast, and I think boomy+rogue+pres is sleeper for sure.
I don’t think that giving SI fixes it, because a 6s long 3 minute cd wall isn’t going to significantly change things for moonkin. Boomy doesn’t need an “oh no!” Big save button, it needs passive tankiness like soul leech/ignore pain/sp focus will dr and vt healing etc etc to allow it to position for clones and get its casted damage off.
With basically every class being ranged atm or having endless mobility, shifting out of snares really isn’t the defensive benifit it used to be. The class is too PASSIVELY squishy; barkskin is already a good enough defensive IMO and it has cyclone as well…
More than anything the spec just needs a total rework.
I think one solid change you could make outside of a rework, though, is make it so rejuv doesn’t put you in human form and allow rejuv to give the forestwalk buff.
I think these are all pretty solid, could just use mana buffs relative to other healers.
I think feral could use a flat 3-4% damage nerf.
100% ret could get a small FV buff, but dh could legit get a full 5% damage buff across the board and not be oppressive.
There is no reason Repentance can stay this way and Hex for shaman has a 30 second cooldown that you can move around with
Id like to see rampant afflictions removed and UA is able to be applied to more than one target without a 60% damage nerf. Would also like wither damage increased by 20% in pvp. ATM hellcaller is a dead hero tree for warlocks and the damage is all pad with no kill potential.
Ya only mentioned the extra cd coz it was a conveniently easy semi solution.
An alternative could be just giving moonkin form a 10% damage reduction passive. But i’m no boomy expert really so just going off of what im seeing.