Will there be more M+ leaver bans?

It’s not even a common problem. I’ve played to +11 on multiple characters and there’s only been a handful of leavers, probably <5% of runs. People want to time things, and they have to wait to get invites. If you’re in high keys it has already sorted itself out because people with bad mental who leave a lot get a bad rep and/or don’t succeed.

If you formalize banning people for leaving you’ll just get people griefing and ninja pulling while they’re kept hostage. It’s a video game, people don’t need to be kept hostage for something that is already an uncommon event. This is exactly what they do in other games like League where you aren’t allowed to just quit hopeless games, you get people flaming and doing passive aggressive stuff or trolling while they’re forced to stay.

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They’ve been doing it that way for 20 years… yet they still have a roach problem. Maybe they should try a different style of pest elimination.

This is outright false, unless you add onto it “PvP based games with locked-in teams” aka. non-quickplay modes.

M+ isn’t a PvP mode, so one cannot compare the two in any real meaningful sense.

They have been doing this for a while, but ya’ll who want to kill off M+ and made it your personality just fails to realize that what players get banned for is griefing. Not leaving keys. Griefing is a much broader aspect that may include leaving keys, but leaving a key doesn’t automatically mean that you have griefed the key/group.

You can do this in PvP. In PvE, you can’t - at least not realistically.
Again though, what folks get banned for is griefing - not leaving/non-participation durin/in a M+.

The goal is to improve M+ not to kill it. I’m of the mind that they should not kill M+ but I could understand this view from someone that wants it dead.

Exactly! Most players aren’t joining keys just to ‘troll’—they genuinely want to complete the key. But something happen that makes them realize it’s not worth the effort anymore!

Was just pugging to farm gilded crests. We had a frost mage who had KSH for every season, figured he’d be good.

He did 300k dps while yelling in Russian and then logged out after his 5th death right before the 3rd boss. So we 4 manned the rest of siege on time thankfully.

Dude definitely bought the account though, if we had human GMs this guy would get blasted.

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I find that with people like this or someone with 3k io that is applying to a 10 key it’s basically a coin flip if they are going to carry you or be a troll lol. I don’t take the overqualified or the underqualified because both are likely to screw me over whether intentionally or not.

Sure you get weird people occasionally but its rare. I’ve done a lot of runs this season and only a very small fraction (probably <5%) have impolite people or leaving or whatever. Usually people leave because they make some mistake and wipe the group and they feel bad about it. That’s annoying but its understandable.

Sometimes, when things are so bad, it is important to step in and do something different and “throw off” ways that don’t work.

Wait, we really have A.I. GMs? this isn’t the first-time hearing this I thought it was a joke.

We were all around the same IO so it seemed fine. I dont think it was even a case of trolling, genuinely think he bought the account and didnt know what to do. Either way should be blasted.

Well there’s still human GMs, in the same way HR departments still have humans reading resumes.

Reports don’t mean much unless 10 people report all at once, or it’s a chat message with an identifiable no no word in it. It’s very rare for a GM to sit down and investigate an individual player report unless it was brought to their attention by enough reports at once.

This is a game, people joining a group then waiting just after the key starts to leave are the only ones that should be punished if frequent.

But just frequent leaving is not a good measure of who to ban. If someone does 10 runs and leaves 7 of them because they were failures absolutely nothing should happen to them. Their time has been wasted just to be punished further? What kind of bizzarro world system is that?

If thats not what the OP is suggesting then this thread is just a troll thread using limited information to get a 133 post page because they are bored on a sunday.

Laugh all you like, but I don’t believe in coincidence. Same way I knew it would either be a Draenei or a Blood Elf who would respond.

You should stop advocating fixes for things that aren’t an actual issue.

but but but asmongold said to do this how else are we suppose to prepare the game for the roach lords return D:

Many do not get this but you are completely correct.

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Yeah no such “leaver suspensions/bans” happened nor should they. Some people that were leaving a lot of keys got worried, some who were griefing got suspended, and perhaps some of those griefers linger on trying to instill a fear of being actioned in others?

I don’t actually believe they would risk M+ in this way by actioning people for reasonably leaving keys. This was a message and action toward a specific subset of players.

At the same time, if they added a report system, it would probably require something like 500 unique accounts to report that person within a rolling 2 month window to generate a ticket.

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