Will there be a balancing pass soon?

Parses in dungeons are generally just horrible to compare and so is looking at overall damage. If overall damage was key to a specs success you wouldnt see rogues.

Feral is not there to compete with survival or destro on overall damage. Feral provides really strong single target burst and play feral in keys over balance because it brings that on a much shorter cooldown window then balance. Rogues are brough over ferals because of their utility but essentially fill the same role as what ferals bring.

Something isnt happening as it should be then.

If you are playing an off meta spec and are performing well in keys or raid to the point of high IO or w/e people will bring you to those higher IO keys. Unless a certain affix or dung mechanic requires otherwise.

The major issue is , is that filters down to those doing lower keys / raids who flat out refuse to bring specs because of their weird perception of representation and logs.

You are not the druid I was referring to, I’ll clear up the ambiguity.

You don’t understand. Spec X is good/bad on Anduin so that clearly translates to the rest of the raid.


let me fix that for you


Like I tell my raid leader.

It’s only padding if the mob doesn’t have to die. Then it’s just generating extra resources.


Either way we’re cool my man.

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50%? Some specs are doing more like 100% more damage than others in M+

It doesn’t even do that now.

Damage to bosses 15’s, all dungeons all specs. The DPS is Damage to bosses over the entire dungeon time not just boss fight time.

This isn’t about viable. Why is the knee jerk reaction to these always to conflate viable with balanced?

Just because everyone can travel a mile doesn’t mean they all arrive at the same time.

If you’re looking at it as a percentage of the lower DPS’s performance it’s very close to a 100% more. Think we’re just talking past each other here.

Pretty sure there will be another pass once MDI fully concludes. Almost all of the bottom performing specs have multiple other specs that are in the top end. Blizzard has always balanced this way.

I just want to see both demo, destro and SV hunters hard nerfed. Why blizzard gave destro that 5% aura is beyond me?

Oh noooooo survival is good for the first time ever and balance is bottom five for the first time this expansion oh noooooooooooo!!!

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yeah I was agreeing with you in essence, just highlighting the absurdity of the balance right now

I don’t think this guy understands that you can’t get meaningful data from comparing the overall of different runs with different routes. I also don’t think he realizes that he’s mixing boosts with non-boosts, and that boost runs will have inflated overall, because most of the damage is being done by 2 DPS instead of 3.

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TIL you can log m+

But why

They don’t do that.

I’m not quite sure I completely agree with that statement, although it definitely isn’t their strongest. Looking at Dausegne for example Destro still tops Heroic and Mythic difficulties, and whilst it does have an add, and I can’t speak for mythic the uptime on that add is very low making the fight at least 80% single target from my experience.

Without the add it would obviously be a bit lower again, but that seems a far cry from being “complete garbage”

Is anyone going to still be playing after season 3 to balance for?
Our only real hope is that they balance after MDI, and that is mostly for the outliers and mostly for AoE.

Raid distribution on average over the whole raid tier isn’t actually the worst at the moment.
It’s more in places like M+ where we really see the division.

The add spawns often enough that you have Scouring Tithe up to Havoc onto every single add without fail. Having mobs die while affected by Scouring Tithe gives you a MASSIVE crit increase that you have very high uptime on. That’s why all the Destro Locks are Kyrian on Sausage.

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Thanks for clarifying that :+1:
Definitely makes more sense.

Skolex, Halondrus, and the Jailer would be better to look at for Destro on ST fights.

If you want pure ST logs, your only options are the worm and the crab.