Will the World Soul Saga be the end of World of Warcraft?

Probably not but wouldn’t be surprised if we get some kind of soft reset afterwards.

I might stick around even when WoW is on life support and I walk around SW talking to imaginary people. If we can just prolong WoWs death long enough for AI to be advanced enough, I will have tons of people to talk to and wont know the difference.

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No imho.

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They can make more money off something new and different for the new generation.

This is coming from someone whos being playing since 2008. So ive seen the fall of what made this game special

I’m driving a 2004 Nissan Altima. It’s getting close.

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I’m a firm believer in “if you make the statement or accusation, you provide the information”.


Stop trying to make WoW2 happen.

It’s not going to happen.


I suspect The Last Titan (the final expansion of the Worldsoul Saga) will provide an in-game reason and a possibility for the entire slate of World of Warcraft expansions to be placed into ‘Legends’ and a new timeline begins after Warcraft III The Frozen Throne for future Warcraft works, at least that’s what I would do.

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I can’t believe people are delusional enough to believe there’s any chance of WoW2 happening. :person_facepalming: :rofl:

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I just want them to make WoW2 so they can finally add “support” role in to their game, plus they can have less than 2bazillion lines of code needing to be looked at. There’s still a few bugs here and there that they literally can’t fix or don’t want to fix because the entire engine is built on a house of cards from around 20 years ago at this point. It was fine for up to 10 expansions, but there’s so many lines needing to be sifted through and so much code fixing 1 thing breaks 17 other things in the process.

Again, also people keep asking for “10 man mythic raiding” 10 be a thing. It can be a thing in WoW2; it can never be a thing right now simply because there’s literally too many classes that they’ll never go back to “10 man mythic raiding” that many people seem to keep asking for and wanting. If you want “10 man mythic raiding” to be back you want WoW2 to be a thing and come out.

At that point they can just have 5-8 classes and have like 20 specs per class, instead and just keep making new specs for those classes to keep “10 man mythic raiding” relevant and keep being a thing.

We can also have the support role added in along with 5-8 specs being “support” style specs, too, for those who enjoy being support type players. There’s a lot of things to do in WoW2 if it were to ever come to pass, but you’re right, let’s keep on not asking for a newer and updated engine instead of a 20 year old game engine functioning off of 20 years of code to where fixing 1-2 things breaks 17-20 other things, instead. Let’s not ask for WoW2 so there isn’t 10 man mythic raiding like there used to be for those who have guilds unable to get 20 man mythic raiding done.

I understand that… it’s just never going happen.

From what Metzen said at Blizzcon the plan is for the WSS to tie up all the old story and setup new story going forward. So I’d say it won’t be the end if it succeeds, and if it flops they’ll just call it there.

Shadowlands should have ended with the Jailer winning and the First Ones resetting reality back to the Vanilla or Wrath era. A clean slate is needed if they intend to continue for another 20 years. They should reset it all, add the new HD models, and finally activate that housing portal, something they should have done 20 years ago.

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Oh be quiet! Do us all a favor and quit if you hate this game so much!


“My source is I made it up!”

Whatever you say, Senator. :roll_eyes:


I’m gonna assume you don’t regularly post here by the low post count, so I’ll just let you know…you can’t use *** as a replacement for letters in swear words on these forums. I mean, you can, but your post will be deleted and you’ll get suspended. “Masked” swearing is a no no.

edit - ahh, fixed it.

Metzen said at Blizzcon the plan is for the WSS to tie up all the old story and setup new story going forward. so no the game won’t end after the WSS

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