Will the victims of Jaina ever know justice?

Being a blood elf is, itself, a crime.

The only reason the Night Elves let them sail away from Kalimdor is we assumed their lily-white, uncalloused hands wouldn’t be able to row the oars.

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Jaina went rain of steel on all Sunreavers. Then she killed Rastakhan. Our leaders need to stop acting like she is an ally of the Horde. She isn’t.

Sounds like her work uniform


The Horde started a war against the Alliance, the sunreavers helped the Horde against the Alliance and paid the price.

The Horde started a war against the Alliance, Rastakhan helped the Horde against the Alliance and paid the price.

Jaina is an ally of the Horde because they’ve learned to fear her as an enemy in a way they could never value her as a friend. You can take heart in knowing the Horde leaders newfound desire to stay on her good side is not born of affection, but cowardice. :blush:

They didn’t. We left Fan’lyr Silverthorn with the bell and went back to Domination point.

the alliance declared war first in Undercity under Varian.

Zandalar was not involved in the war until Jaina attacked.

Are al filthy traitors.

Pft. We all know the real truth. Malfurion was all like “oh no, we cannot murder them, we need to let them go” was because that is his only gimmick. He did it with Illidan, he did it with the Highborne, he even did it with Fandrel.

Malfy just really hates killing people.


Varian invaded the barrens and kidnapped Thrall before Garrosh raised a single finger against the Alliance, lmao. Where’s his comeuppance?

*vaguely points at stormheim and all the malarkey the Allaince was doing pre-WOT*


Jaina send the army of Theramore to take the Barrens a day prior to the Cataclysm. They always ignore that detail.

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A population purge of hundreds of innocents is not a justified response to bad actors within their community. In a war crimes tribunal that prosecuted more than the loser, she’d have been booked right after Gary.


What a wuss

I miss Old WC3 Tyrande who slaughtered an entire garrison of Wardens just to free her Brother-in-Law, who she doesn’t even like.


“Only the goddess can forbid me anything.”

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Maiev is my favorite Nelf… But the Watcher’s F’ed around and found out. That’s Elune’s chosen.

Y’know, I’ve always been skeptical of that. “Oh, we need Illidan, he can help!!” Has she MET Illidan??? Nobody should ever want that kind of help!!! He is a chaos goblin whose self-interested goals sometimes happen to be helpful, but often cause more harm in the end!!

She doesn’t like this guy… Hmph!! I think she absolutely must like him. Nobody else at all thought freeing Malfurion’s brother was a smart play, including Malfurion but she went and did it anyway.

No, I think she likes the Stormrage bad boy just fine, but knows Malfurion’s the guy you bring home. Illidan’s the guy you find at the local goblin biker bar and let flirt with you so you can feel pretty.

I think she committed a warcrime against her own people so Illidan could glaze her up.

… I hope I used glaze right here, I mean like being her hype man with how desirable she is. I’m trying to learn young people words and that sounds to my oldness like a very naughtier thing.

Tyrande’s the kinda badass who murders a couple dozen rison guards to break her old stalker out just so he can remind her she’s pretty while she murderhobos her way across two continents.


Wasn’t aware Thrall was kidnapped before Garrosh landed on Northrend and immediately sicked his forces on the Alliance. I’ll have to reread Heart of War.

Keep that point as vague as possible. The whole quitting the field on the Broken Shore and enslaving angels part doesn’t work out well for you.

Was carried out with sunreaver agents to drop the wards and the sunreaver leader did nothing about once he found out.

The fact that the Horde doesn’t even have enough honor to declare war when they start slaughtering Alliance citizens doesn’t mean the war begins when we respond. The Alliance lost more people to the Forsaken than the scourge. Even with that and mutilated people found in the Undercity Varian was willing to end hostilities to defeat the Lich King. Or were the mean words he yelled at the Horde during the Argent Tournament count as the first battle of this war you’re imagining?

The bell was moved by guy from the Reliquary. Nothing to do with Sunreavers. Requiring artifacts is kinda their whole thing.

This is not how continuity works my dude.

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Illidan may be a chaos goblin but he’s not the fun or good kind :dracthyr_nod:


Blood elves suck anyways.

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It was definitely before the North fleet attacked the established Forsaken beachhead at the Howling Fjord :wink:

“duhhhhhh why hord no die at broken shore and cause alliance to die 2? bad hord. meen hord.”

maybe if SI:7 didn’t suck at their jobs there wouldn’t have be an ambush?


Well under Lor’themar sure they did nothing after TBC. That is why we need to bring our real leader back.

the “blood” isnt needed in this statement

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