Will the NEW consoles support WoW?

I think the current official answer is no. But Blizzard also said that when players asked for WoW Classic servers. “You think you do but you don’t.” Remember that guy? We all know the outcome to that. :slight_smile:

The only downside that I see is if a console and/or a mobile phone version of WoW became so popular they might stop developing WoW for the PC. That sounds unlikely. But think about it. If they got 20 to 30 million people playing a mobile phone version of WoW why bother with a 2 million player version for the PC.

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This is just not true.

There a millions of players who only play on console and have only ever played on console. The console MMO market is relatively empty, players flock to the ones that exist. ESO has kept a strong Xbox One and PlayStation playerbase despite really poor performance and worse customer service. NeverWinter has held out despite pay to win mechanics. BLack Desert Online went to console as well.

Blizz is missing out on a good number of players because of their resistance to console gamers. The real problem is likely securing an agreement with Microsoft. ESO has separate agreements with Sony and Microsoft. This leads to different servers, different release dates, and subscription support issues. Yet the console games have held strong.

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You can play any class. I play a hunter with a controller and am one +15 Siege from getting the achievement. I did Mad World on Warrior, Druid, and Hunter.

I’m not saying you are going to compete with the top guilds or best players. But you can definitely do all of the content with a controller.

The only thing holding me back from AotC is lack of time investment. My guild is completely casual and I have to pug raids and mythic+ if I want to do anything that can be considered difficult.

Edit: Here is a +17 Junkyard I did somewhat recently: `https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I58bk03QolQ&feature=youtu.be
I got trounced by the 475+ Feral Druid, on the meters but I would expect so with a 10 ilvl difference. I don’t even have the “BiS” talents or Corruptions for this. It’s a bit too blurry to make out the numbers, but you can see the overall meters bar in the bottom right of the screen.

This isn’t to boast or anything, I know I am not some great player. This is just to show that you can time +17’s with a controller. I’m not using the controller to its fullest either. There is so much you can do that people don’t realize because of their own bias or fear.

Triangle to heal, square to attack, circle to special attack, x to group heal. That’s how basic it would have to be.

There would be a lot of angry console players when they join a group with a world boss only to see their fps go to 10 or worse…crash.

And the even more worst part is: Due to console players demanding graphical fidelity and how consoles do not have low or high settings which can be changed, this would be a complete disaster if WoW was not optimized

Well, the current consoles have the power to run WoW at lower settings, the PS4 at least, however didn’t support mouse/KB last time I tried to play a game on it. And that’s what it really boils down to, even if you could do dailies on controllers, people don’t want them in raids, Blizzard wouldn’t develop a client that would just get demolished in any terms of high end PvE or PvP content, that kind of experience is bad for both consoles and PC. Controllers are great for certain games, MMOs are not one of them.

Well, it’s either:


I mean, this content is a joke, no offense. You can do 5 masks on sub 445 toons with bad or even no corruptions with enough practice.

This also doesn’t address the speed at which you play. Have you ever seen for example, a PC player play diablo versus a console player? The rate at which you move is vastly different.

M+ is also pretty worthless unless every player is on a controller, you’re basically saying “well I can do this dungeon with one hand and still win, therefore clearly everybody can do dungeons with just one hand and still win” we carried someone doing 8k dps through a 15, one person being handicapped means nothing.

You forgot the interrupts, cc abilities & cd’s.

Hopefully not

they recently messed up rawmouseinput and some mouse glitches happened (they fixed it within 24 hours though)

one might think the only reason to mess with that stuff is eventual controller support and features. wouldnt be surprised to see wow on next gen consoles.

blizz loves multiplatform, when viable.

*that being said idk how youd fit all your wow buttons on a controller but thats another story.
*if it ends up hapenning and its all cross-platform ; youre gonna see raiderio add a line to tell if a player is console or pc i bet :wink:

Yeah, so I pointed out that it was nothing to be impressed with. But you people keep claiming that you cannot play. It’s like you don’t even read. I provided a video of me timing a +17 without the best corruptions or the best gear or the best talents. I was #2 on dps, #1 on interrupts. I was in no way carried and your BS insinuation is just that BS.

I can turn the camera just as fast as a Kb&M player, I can press the buttons just as fast as a Kb&M player, I have just as many keybinds options as a Kb&M player. I never claimed you could compete with the top mythic raiders. But you can do all of the content and you can compete for everything outside of the top 5-10% of the content. You can bind all of the spells. The limitations that exist are not nearly as crippling as your ignorant mind thinks they are.

It’s amazing that people this ignorant exist.

You are familiar with ctrl and shift modifiers no?

So take a 16 button controller, use 2 buttons for modifiers and now you have:

Unmodified 14 buttons
+Ctrl 14 buttons
+Shift 14 buttons
+Ctrl +Shift 14 buttons

All together that’s 52 buttons you can bind. Now let’s pretend you actually have an alt button on your keyboard like I dunno 99% of players. That makes another modifier. So now you give up another button to a modifier and have only 13 per combo. But you now have 8 combos:

Unmodified 13
Ctrl 13
Alt 13
Shift 13
Ctrl+Shift 13
Ctrl+alt 13
Shift+alt 13
Ctrl+Shift+alt 13

For a whopping total of 104 binds.

If you use an interface like ConsolePort you can access your spells and character window and other non-combat utility through a single button bind and arrow pad manipulation.

I don’t know what class you play that you think you need 104 buttons in combat. If you do you are not playing well.

This is patently false, a standard keyboard has 101 keys. With just shift/alt/ctrl, it has the capability of 404 combinations, that’s not counting combos of that. You numerically cannot have that many key combinations on a controller, period. And that’s just a keyboard, take a 19 button mouse, add in modifers, we’re well over 500 combinations.

No you can’t. There’s a reason KB/Mouse does not play in the same pool as controllers, it is objectively less precise.

They’ll probably get aim assist and targetting assist. :rofl: :rofl:

That’s the thing I don’t get about these controller warriors. Like yeah controller is more fun for RPGs etc. But it is so well known that it’s a meme that they can’t play without targeting assist, and they still talk smack about how they can.

Not so sure that’s accurate. I mean, a guy with one hand is going to probably find it HARDER to play with a gamepad than using a KB/mouse combo.

I’m actually reminded of one cool guy. Nohandsken. He plays with a mouth stick (forgive me if the term is wrong). And yes, he can play. Obviously not top tier, but he can play. Real cool guy.

I don’t think a gamepad would make it any easier for him to play.

I think its more likely a bunch of the addons and software used to support controllers in WoW may have exposed some kind of potential security issue. So, by creating purely internal support, they can nip that problem in the bud.

Also, I have problems with one of my hands, so a gamepad would actually be WORSE for me than using a KB/Mouse.

Next step: Raid Assist.

When the boss requires you to move to a certain location, press a button and your character automatically moves there while casting his spells. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


Warcraft is not coming to consoles, there is youtube videos of Dev’s playing WoW with controllers saying that it is not possible to make WoW work on consoles with any reasonable functionality at this time.