Will the NEW consoles support WoW?

I don’t know much about Halo, but i can wager their’s fixes for it on the PC and so on, by fans. And i’m also going to hazard to guess that you can create your own servers with it’s own ruleset and so on, since it’s an older game. My guess anyways.

Well that, and that also trails back to the original PS2 game which to be fair, performance wise on there was Dreadful. It was a good game, But i just can’t stand the sub 20fps this game goes into for most of the time. Not to mention the occasional crash here and there, as well a bunch of other bugs/glitches since the game had a ton of shifts here and there in the dev along with a lot of beta leftovers. But i digress.

In terms of performance, the PS4 is a step up from the PS2 in terms of framerates, gone are the days where it’s sub 20 fps for 90% of the game, now it’s a 30 or such. Which isn’t better, but the lesser of two evils. But the Ps4 is a step down from Xbox 360’s Scholarship edition, which can reach to 60 sometimes. (Though the PC still crushes all of them)

In terms of emulation, the PC can emulate the Ps2 version of Bully much better. With framerate and other hacks to make it run smooth.

Which doesn’t make the gameplay better. You can have pretty graphics, but it’s not gonna matter if the console can’t handle it. Again, something that cements my position that consoles need to have graphic options like we do on the PC.

Exactly! :smiley:

Ehh, honestly 60 fps should be the minimum instead of 30fps.

Let’s also not forget that a Potato PC has the potential to upgrade. So even if everybody in the world is running potatoes for the most part for WoW, they still have the potential to turn that potato into a low or mid tiered PC at best for all not that much money sometimes.

Something to keep in mind, though, is that the number of users who take advantage of upgradability in PCs is tiny. It’s mainly just PC building/gaming enthusiasts and a handful of moderately technical stragglers. Everybody else just buys a new PC when their old one starts chugging.


speaking of upgrades, im definitely gonna pick up the ps5, but man it would suck if i get it then they come out with a ps5 pro like they always do, im debating on waiting

but man demons souls remake looks so good

Wasn’t the main selling point of the PS4 Pro 4k and HDR support? I don’t see anything like either in the pipeline for this gen. The standard will probably sit at 4k HDR for at least the next 5-8 years.

i hope, my wallet can’t take buying two ps5s, especially if they wont let you trade one in

or worse, they do and it’s only for like 30 bucks

Don’t be absurd Fluffy. There’s no way you’re getting that much for a trade in.


In all honestly, people should learn about PC parts and so on. Considering it’s not too hard to do or doesn’t require you to be a PC building/gaming enthusiast to do it. Especially since most of the time, it just takes a GPU to turn your computer into a gaming computer.

Especially since that’s enough to land you a sweet gaming computer.

“I can offer you this coupon I found in my cereal box this morning for it. Not a cent more!”

Totally agree, but that’s not where public perception is. We’re just barely getting out of the phase where people conflate being “a computer guy” with being a “hacker”.

but i can’t play demons souls on my computer

at least not the remake

Maybe eventually it will be. Horizon zero dawn is releasing soon for pc. Late as hell but still.

Blizz has no interest in a console port.

Most PLAYERS don’t have any interest in picking up a 15+ year old game on their brand new console unless it’s firmly in the retro/arcade niche.

The only people that would be benefiting from a console port would be existing players that want to play from their couch with a controller. Something they can literally already do if they bother to set it up.

And even that group is bound to be a minority. A minority that Blizzard is already being paid by, therefore very little incentive to do the work required to port it.

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Wow runs on Mac OS.

Apple does not use the most powerful of GPU’s. Unless…you want to run up a big bill on the new pro’s. They have some power…for a lot of money ofc.

I used to be mac gamer (I know, oxymoron there) and a console gamer. I went console because it was vastly improved over the mac gaming experience. Now I game on a laptop. Not powerhouse gaming but its portable so I can work on the making Bethesda mods on the go. So it works all my needs adequately.

PC’s can be better. I will grant the pc master races its due. BUt some out there are on potatoes and soon to be potatoes that even a xbox/ps4 can beat at this time.

And looking at the new to come hotness…they will bury many semi current pcs. NOw 3 years later they will be weaker as you can’t ugrade GPU’s on them. That’s a given.

I agree, it’s quite frankly silly it’s still a thing.

With PS3 and Xbox 360 emulators, yes your can. We’re in an Age where we can play RDR on the PC with emulators.

Well chances are if the game is successful enough on consoles, it will go over to the PC eventually. That’s how i got my Spyro on my PC. Waited for a year and bam. :smiley:

Surprisingly well on new-ish (last 5 years) machines, too. On the iMac Pro I use for work, if I turn a few settings down/off (mainly AA, SSAO, and shadow quality) WoW runs at 60 FPS in Boralus at 5k (real 5120x2880 5k, not ultrawide “5k”), which is nuts for a machine that only has a Vega 56.

im hopeful, but bloodborne makes me think otherwise

one of my favorite games, and it’s still ps4 only 5+ years later, and i think it’s just a Sony licensing thing

i hope it comes to pc though so i don’t have to pay for online

When I don’t want to lug my Alienware around I steal back my MBP (late 2015) I gifted to my son.

WOw is workable on it. Crank it down and its do-able. I can at least get what I need done. that can be more important than the prettiest graphics settings run.

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I hope not. Our community is… um… interesting enough without console “gamers” exacerbating it.

They probably dont want to announce any plans for marketing purposes. I would be shocked if there isnt some plans to bring it to console at some point. The amount of untapped market there is way too big to ignore if its feasible to run wow on there.

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I mean I guess console players could play demon hunter. Doesn’t have a lot of buttons so it is compatible with controllers.