Will the Horde revert to evil again?

Blizzard does not have a good track record in maintaining the “Noble Horde” of WC3.

I’m tired of the flip flop nature of the Horde, please just stick to one vision.

With both Thralls Horde and Vol’jins horde turning dark, is 3rd time the charm?

Blizzard should either take the path of…

The Horde doesn’t revert to evilhood, the Council works. No more genocide, no more wars of aggression caused by the Horde. Preferably also no more faction war also. I don’t see how villain batting the Alliance would make the situation better.


Blizzard commits to the message that the Horde is a failure. Even with a Council, they have many in the Horde still despise the Alliance for various reasons, and still want a Horde Dominated Azeroth, not liking the Alliance standing in its way.

There is one final “War to End All Faction Wars” where the Horde collapses but also so does current Alliance. Various other factions (more then two) rise from the ashes of the fallen superpowers.

What should be done with the future Horde and its relationship with morality?


In an attempt to be positive, I am actually thankful that Blizzard decided to remove Gallywix in addition to Sylvanas with a two-for-one. If he remained, he would be a potential problem in the future just as Sylvanas was after Garrosh’s defeat. With him gone, there are few really problematic characters left in the Horde; everyone else is pretty good-natured (with the possible exception of Geya’rah, but she’ll toe the line of the senior council members knowing that her faction and influence is minimal).

Plus, it seems to be the case that Lor’themar and Thalyssra are slowly working their way into a power-couple arrangement that may end up resulting in the most powerful unified political faction within the Horde. I don’t think they see any reason to ever instigate anything, either.

I always thought Gallywix was the most evil Horde leader, but maybe that reveals too much about my true self when it doesn’t belong here.


The optimist in me wants to say Blizzard will explicitly have the warmongers in the new Horde get slapped by the rest of the council and told to sit their dumb asses down. The realist thinks Blizzard will make them the villain next time it’s convenient.


The thing about reversion is they’d have to stop being evil in the first place, in order to be good, and subsequently revert to evil. As it stands now, Teldrassil is still all over their hands, with no even slightly meaningful attempt at atonement. Until that happens, there’s no moving on to being good.


Let’s hope we see the Horde help our kind out in some way in Shadowlands, and the Horde actively working on making sure another large scale war never happens between them and the Alliance.

I’m with Velen, only time will tell. Although depending what Turaylom or hell Yrel does a faction war might just be around the corner.


Given that being written as evil makes for cruddy stories, I’ve had my fill. I don’t even want ‘good’ (in the moral sense) stories, necessarily. Just interesting ones.

That said, if Blizzard is going to write equally bad stories in either case then I’ll take evil - the people screeching about the Horde being evil are never going to be satisfied. If we’re going to be yelled at either way, might as well have the conciliatory fun of getting them mad and being villains, no?


Who’s to say the Alliance won’t be evil?

Previous experience :confused:


Hope not! But…well, you know us!

Eh, you can still think that way and not be evil. If, like Wrathion, you genuinely believe that an Azeroth dominated by a single faction can provide a more united front against greater threats and is the best thing for Azeroth.

Then you can still believe that by conquering the world and the other faction, you’re doing the best thing in the long run for Azeroth and the people that live there.


Surely from an Alliance point of view, anything the Horde does against them is evil (and, of course, vice versa)? From an objective standpoint, I can’t think of anything ‘evil’ the modern Horde has done.


For a prophet, Velen is terrible at future predictions. The Horde turning evil is as set in stone as the Tides.

Because at this point it’s logistically impossible for the Alliance to be evil because of what the Horde has done to them, it’d just be them getting their vengeance. The only way the Alliance can be ‘evil’ is if they did horrid acts to a group other then the Horde, which is downright pathetic because it’ll just be the Alliance being a bully because a bigger, meanie bully tormented them.

Anything the Horde does is for the benefit of the Horde and nothing else. Infact most of the time anything the Horde does is purely for the benefit of their Warchief.

Of course it will, is that even a question after how happily they all went along with Sylvanas and genocide?

Tyrande is already thinking of leaving the Alliance. Perhaps once she kills Sylvanas, she’ll set her sights on the Horde cities, determined to burn them the way Teldrassil did.

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I feel like Blizzard might actually go with Alliance actually starting the next conflict. Maybe I’m just too much of an optimist sometimes. But I can’t imagine they haven’t heard the outcry (especially given some of their interviews). Plus how they’ve been going with recent stuff like Y’rel, Turalyon, Alleria, and Tyrande.

We’ll see.


Expect Turalyon and Xe’ra to start up the next faction war.


She won’t kill Sylvanas though. My prediction is that Sylvanas returns to the Horde and then the Alliance will be seen as the aggressors or something like this for continuing to fight… or maybe Anduin and Tyrande forgive her too.

It will be something like:

  • Alliance starts attacking Ashenvale to reclaim the Night Elves lands

followed by

  • The Horde attacking stormwind, hunting down every man, women and children, kill them brutally and raise them into undeath

Or themselves. A group within the Alliance turns on the whole; Tyrande starts attacking Other Alliance members; Turalyon passing Marshal Law and becoming a dictator.

The more interesting question of if they will, is how Blizzard will do it next time. I figure we get two expansions against a neutral threat, and then if there’s a third expansion, it’ll be another faction war.

Now, with the Horde as a council now, and Blizzard needing to make a singular face the big bad of a faction war. We might actually get a story of a fledgling democracy falling to a totalitarian strongman. We might get a faction war with the players working against the Horde Warchief from the outset, minimizing damage and trying to devise a means of freeing the Horde without a blood civil war, which would be weird.

I’ll kick around some ideas.

All this really tells us is that you wouldn’t believe a story that turned the Alliance evil. Which isn’t actually a problem. You’d just be like one of those people in the Horde who thought the first half of Mists was fine, up until Garrosh ‘turned evil’ halfway through. You’d show up, you’d complain about how the writing was bad while still playing the expansion like the rest of us.