Will the game ever become friendly to non-rated PvPers again?

I like the theme and flavor of being a warlock though, so sadly this option is not available to me.

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More power to you, that’s exactly how I feel about my Rogue. It’s a struggle but if you really love your class don’t abandon it.

When you’re low geared in BG you can just focus on your utility/CC spells. Pumping out straight damage is important, but CC can be devastating if you’re dishing it out well. LOS’ing, and sticking with your group.

I disagree. Conquest gear in wod was 10 ilvls higher than honor gear. With today’s levels and scaling, that would mean a 3 ilvl difference.

I did not play WOD, but a 10 iLvl gap sounds way more manageable then what is coming for 9.1.5.

In 9.1.5. Honor Gear is PVP iLvl 233 while top rated pvp gear is PVP iLvl 259. That’s disgusting.

Since PVP gear has different iLvl for PVP & PVE now there is no reason at all to not shorten the gap.

It should have an option when queuing. 1 for scaled, another for free for all which is what it is now.

I think it should be balanced ,pvers have theirs and pvper also,different stats for different reason no mixing of gear that way we don’t have this I need pooower theme.

No never.

Blizzard doesn’t care about PvP.

It’s pretty clear they do care. They went to a great deal of effort to create the gearing system we currently have. And they went to a fair amount of effort to modify it in 9.1.5 to make it arguably worse.

Maybe you could make a twink character and leave it at level 50, queue for random battlegrounds in the 50 bracket (there are a lot of twinks in that bracket and it’s kinda fun how they have three times more hp than the normal lvler). Or maybe even the 51-59 bracket if you’d prefer. I have a friend who only has twink characters at level 20 and all he does is log on, queue bgs, play a few games and log off.

Honestly that is your problem right there. Life is sooo much different outside of the queable content. It gets a little unfriendly in the 10 to 14 key range but it’s still light years ahead of queable stuff. Just have to watch out from the “i’ll make my own group and people can carry me” mentality that is out there. Actually had someone whisper me nasty things because we didn’t 3 chest his key when he was doing less dps than the tank.

Ion and his team really messed up on PVP this xpac, they killed the casual/alt/new player PVP experience.

Random BGs should have ilvl scaling, and RBGs should have a solo queue based on ilvl, just like what they have for LFR, Heroics, etc.

And rewards should not have this massive disparity. PVP rewards should be cosmetic, mounts and titles. I don’t think you should loss rating for losses, but rather have a slower advancement system.

Otherwise you have what we have now - a very small percentage achieve the highest levels or pay their way, and the casual market and new players are at a SEVERE disadvantage.

This is a fresh alt, I have not touched level 60 PVP. And PVP is my favorite aspect of WoW. I am not grinding my butt off to attain gear that is clearly well behind the curve. I hope 9.1.5 fixes most of the issues, if not I will sit it out.

In the past I have taken breaks from WoW to play SWTOR, GW2, FFXIV, etc., and have come back and were able to jump into PVP and contribute. Not with this system.

I cannot see anyone even daring to attempt gearing up casually through PvP alone.

Not unless they’re masochist.

I’m a PvE player, so maybe I just don’t get it. That mean, essentially, I play for gear to beat up monsters, but once I’m geared…I stop. Since, there’s no more gear to get. At that point I go off and level an alt, or do whatever. Right now, I’ve seen the story, done all the dungeons, seen LFR. All I have left “to do” (for me), is gear…and renown.

So I don’t know what happens to PvP players when they’re geared out.

If the PvP gear is “a few days away”, honestly, why bother doing it at all. That is, why not just hand the gear out to the players so that they don’t even have to play a few days undergeared and playing as punching bags. They can make it “Instanced PvP only gear”. So as not to disrupt the PvE experience or the “fun” of world PvP.

Ding 60, head to the vendor, pony up 10K in gold, and…shazam. “You’re geared.” and away you go.

Me and my buddies haven’t touched Raids/Dungeons at max level at all this expansion and have been having a blast.

Mid-season though, ya it’s rough out there for the newcomers. That’s why we gotta shorten the PVP iLvl gap between honor gear and rated gear.

They PvP! At least I did. Once the grind was over and I had my Conquest set I queued all the time into Random Battlegrounds. (Occasionally into Arena with my sons and guild mates. Made it to 1500 with one of my sons.[1])

Sometimes you’d get rolled, sometimes you would roll the other team. Occasionally you’d have epic moments:

  • The time a resto druid and this char held LM against waves of Horde assaults.
  • Several EoTS battles decided each way by just a few points.
  • Epic flag runs across WSG where I used every single ability this hunter had to slow enemy players, Master’s Call our FC. All to cap in the last ~45 seconds for a win.
  • Sitting at LM on my Horde hunter and calling strats the whole game for an undergeared Horde team that outplayed Alliance because the team listened to my callouts. Lots of whispers after that one. We rotated fast enough to counter all their plays and eked out a win. They had the numbers we had cohesion.

I know there is a lot of PvE/PvP back and forth about which game play is better or more challenging. But both have moments of serendipity when you watch a team come together to execute a strategy and things are just clicking. It’s so cool. That’s the best part of the game. Not the systems, or the gear grind, or the chores…

[1] Yeah I know, but we were casual. At least I was. You Glad players can gloat away. lol

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tltr sorry

Well, that’s kind of my point.

In the “perfect” world, “everyone” would be geared out so they can all PvP, uh, equitably. I mean, I assume the goal is to do “toplevel” PvP vs being one of those players the leveling players are complaining about being a punching bag for.

So, why the gear grind at all? Set the classes, tweak them each season and let the players roll FotM builds as the balance changes.

Honestly! What was wrong with that system? Didn’t the most elite pvpers also get their own set anyway? The way things work now make no sense to me.

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just make every ones gear scale to the same item level in regular bgs, let the players skill dictate the outcome of the match, keep rated and arena without scaling.

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Which is kind of why I only play HoTS now for a PvP fix. I only play a few chars. Only do QuickMatch. Blizzard tweaks the knobs on things every now and then, but for the most part the game is a good time. Each char has a few abilties, the game is structured to reward time play. Games last ~20 minutes. Sometimes they click, sometimes they don’t.

Best part: Free to play! :slight_smile: