Will the game ever become friendly to non-rated PvPers again?

I think what you’re trying to do is more complex than you think it is. High ilvl gear also has more secondary stats and more stamina. When you’re wearing it you take less damage. Templates would be better, but only if they were willing to put in the time to make them reasonably balanced. Permitting players to choose secondary stats for each piece through the template would be ideal.

I prefer wod-type PvP gearing, where honor gear can be obtained in a few days while being almost as good as conquest gear.


For all the crap WoD got, I loved the way PvP worked there. From the gearing, to the places…I spent entire days in Ashran.


Randoms should just be capped at whatever ilvl lfr drops

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I quit WoW PvP and get my fix with HoTS QuickMatch. :slight_smile:

Yeah it can be pretty wonky, but it’s easy to pick up. Hard to master. Loads of fun.

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I mean, it never was. In BGs, they low geared players always got steamrolled by the geared players. The thing that saves normal BGs and world PvP is that most rated players are doing rated content and not the random stuff.

Yeah it was true if you didn’t have the gear you were at a disadvantage. But the Honor and Conquest meant you’d put in your time, and gradually get your pieces… Then after a few weeks you would be on par with everybody else[1] and the gear grind was over. (Faster if you did arena.)

Now the gear wall is just… too hard to climb. Plus all the gated systems crap. I just gave up. lol

[1] Barring the occasional Heroic 25 man or later, Mythic Raider with an op trinket or something.

Edit - readability

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Yea in S1 I started PvP late and geting 2100 with low gear was cancer. I don’t PvP much so I decided to get 2100 at start of season this time and it was way easier. Now I don’t have to step into an arena for mogs til next season. I agree it is kind of silly that there’s an ilvl upgrade system on PvP gear, but it almost needs to be there for gear progression. It at least has a cap.

Used to always be able to get “good enough” gear on my own by doing random PvP. Not so much anymore.


Back when I was spending all my time in Ashran during wod, the good people did mostly rated PvP. The good people who did randoms did them because they liked doing randoms. I remember a lot of nice, helpful people who did rated but solo queued with us.

Yup, many of the good PvPers queue for randoms because they find it fun, partially probably because they have a massive advantage and want to show off a bit too. I don’t blame them. But it isn’t fun for people like me who have never been the best geared. I think an ilvl cap would be the way to go for randoms.

Thanks to the pvp system. I have 11 days left on script, then, I’m done. PVP is unplayable and unenjoyable as a casual player. Have not won a rated bg in weeks. I was just below 1400 4 weeks ago, I am now 1200 and falling constantly. I now only run a game or two a week and lose EVERY TIME. I’m not a pro and not an idiot either. I know how to play my char. Why are these idiots queing if they are so clueless. It seems the decent players left. EVERY game is full of pve players who seem lost on what to do. It’s beyond frustrating. I refuse to get boosted so I guess I’m SOL and blizzard does not care.

Can you blame them for trying though? Rated PvP is one of the only ways to get gear. Players like me would happily ignore it if not for that.

That said I’ve never been a rated player, always hated rated PvP, but you can understand why many others would try to dip their toes in it. If you don’t want “bad players” mucking up your rated PvP, you should support an ilvl camp for randoms. :smiley:


The problem has always been premades. A twink or a really good player is going to help your team. A premade on the other side means you have lost before the gates opened.

I thought they should have restricted twinks to solo queuing. When I solo queued as a twink, no one was ever upset that I was there to help them. I could tell them who to target and why, because I knew the players on the other team.

Loads of people are gone from PvP. The remaining people in the ladder are probably, on average, better. So the Ladder is more compressed now. You can see that in Arena.

I mean when I started in WoTLK/Cata there was a place for everyone in the ladder. [1] Now? Not so much. It’s a lot harder to scratch out wins now because pool of competitors is so much smaller.

[1] When I started PvP with my son he was 9. We were bad. I mean really bad. At our level, when we started in Arena it was like watching a turn based board game. The other team would keyboard turn, cast something. We’d keyboard turn and do something. I think our MMR at one point, was like 400. lol But even at that level we were “winning” 50% of the time! Later he made it to 2100 on his Druid, then just quit in WoD. Along with all of the people he played Arena with…


An even easier fix is to make a template system similar to WOD but unlike in WOD it eliminates gear. Gear should not matter in non-rated PvP. The rewards for Honor aka non-rated pvp would be Transmog only and maybe some of the Saddle Mounts

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Introducing the WOD pvp iLvl system gives them a massive opportunity to fix the gap in gear for nonrated pvp.

There should be a progression system, but it shouldn’t be so heavy. Top rated PVP gear should only give about a 10% advantage over fully upgraded honor gear.

PVP gear was never supposed to be for 1 shotting people, it was supposed to be for the min-maxers.

Back in TBC & Wrath a person in full honor gear could 1v1 a player in top rated gear as long as they outplayed them because the stat gap wasn’t massive like it is now.

Also, I’m speaking as someone who has been gearing since launch and has no problem in PVP right now.

Every time I 1v3 a group of Horde on my Outlaw rogue in a battleground, as much as it is crazy fun for me personally, it’s bad for the game.

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That’s cool. I’m speaking as a 49 warlock who’s afraid to step out of Chromie Time knowing what awaits someone like me in SL. xD

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In my experience any rated pvp activity is fairer and slower than any regular one.

And i think that should be other wise the fast phased to the rated ones and tje slower baby steps one for the regular ones

The Vault should have been dropping a PVP piece thats a tier above your bracket. So even if you play casually or over a long period of time aka an entire season, you will still eventually reach the duelist gear (Which the entire game is balanced around)

It’s sad to think, you only actually start playing the PVP that is actually balanced around once you hit duelist.


At this point in the game, and I hate telling people to reroll but the best way to gear right now if you want to DPS is to roll a class with a healing and dps spec.

Healing rated PVP for gear is like taking an airplane cross country compared to DPS rated pvp where it’s more like biking.

Both are doable, but you get into groups as a healer instantly since there’s too many people playing DPS.

It’s sad though, the developers logic is “people will reroll and it will balance out the healer/tank shortage.”

In reality, people just quit the game. If someone really doesn’t want to heal, then they’re not going to.

Lots of us just wana Zug Zug