Will Sylvanas return help or hurt the game?

Vanilla forsaken intro.

She took him out in the Mok’Gora

Why cant his other aunt or his Dad save him in this hypothetical? Why does Syl have to come back for “any of these things” when there are living, present characters to fulfill that same role and in a more lore-relevant way?

Technically, her use of outside powers violated the MG, so she lost (and she fled so… double loss there).

No idea whether her return would be a net positive for the story or not objectively speaking

I also don’t care : bring her back

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Or why not Liadrin? They are both paladins from the same race and kingdom. Maybe after that Arator became one of Liadrin’s disciples out of gratitude and admiration.

This is my biggest question: why bring back Sylvanas if we have perfectly established characters for each role for Midnight and The Last Titan? Seriously, Sylvanas is the most developed character in the lore. Nobbel87 last video about her lasts 3 hours 42 minutes. She should get a break at least until the end of Worldsoul Saga.

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For the same reason they brought back Anduin despite him being as developed as Sylvanas : she represents something for a lot of people. Something they miss.

(Most of her chardev and screentime have also been of very, very inconsistent and questionable quality. To say that the writers have things to make up for in regards to Sylvanas is an understatement lol)


Sylvanas never betrayed Silvermoon. Alleria thought being nice to humans is more important. That is why Sylvanas is better then her race traitor sisters.

i have not heard anyone who cared all that much for the symbolism of sylvanas (which is pretty funny in itself as an idea) say they miss her. i have only heard the fans of hers i would expect not to grasp symbolism say they miss her. if she represented anything at all, it did not survive the death of her character in shadowlands.
she can stay away.

Crap take, people vibe with her for a variety of reasons, not all of which require particular levels of media literacy, and they’re all fine reasons. They may like her because of her amazing voice acting, sharp lines, design and overall charisma, or just feel comfortable with her cuz she’s an OG character they bonded with over 20 years, or, if they’ve been reading the books, may be aware of her suicide/assault survivor symbolism and find that appealing. There are always potentially countless factors why you like or dislike a character.

Certainly there are reasons why her Wowpedia page is consistently among the most popular ones even though she’s been completely absent from the story for two expansions straight lol

Plus if characters that suffered from bad writing in the past were to be discarded forever then let me tell you you’d have virtually none left to quest with and certainly not the ones that were given prominence in TWW lmao

That seems to have been pretty loose. Right? Like, wasn’t that not official or retconned or something?

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There is a certain irony in the character of Sylvanas. A lot of people read her lore because they like her, of course… But on the other hand, at least since BFA, you HAVE to know her story to understand what’s going on. Why Alliance and Horde fighting, why we spent the entire expansion in Shadowlands or why we planted a giant tree in Emerald Dream. Even now, people who don’t know the lore/only started playing in TWW may wonder, who was the elf who’s talking to Alleria in her cinematic or who was the hologram that appeared in the Forsaken heritage quest?

Wasn’t this corrected in recent chronicles?


Magic is allowed in the Mak’gora. It’s only the Film AU where it’s considered cheating.


Now as to Sylvanas’ return helping or hurting the story, I genuinely think that comes down to someone’s stance on Sylvanas and how her return to the story is handled by Blizzard.


meh. having a good voice actress is a reason to cast the actress in another role. she had charisma, had decent lines, had worthwhile presence. that’s not the issue. she’s a tired character by now, whose most interesting story beats happened, what, a decade ago? even when it was at its most gripping, it wasn’t anything to really write home about; she’s only ‘deep’ in comparison to other wow characters, but not as an absolute measure.

incidentally, ‘this character is tired and has been written badly and i do not want more of them’ is also absolutely* how many people feel about some of the cast of tww, in case that had escaped your notice.

I think Sylvanas is such a heart wrenching loss because she is so uniquely tied to Forsaken identity. They are kind of nothing without her. Maybe that’s too far. They are just zombies without her and zombies aren’t unique.

We need many many more questlines that are in the vein of Moira, Magni, and Dagran, but grounded in their culture. We just keep seeing the same few people over and over and over in places with no real connection to the factions. Alleria running around on an adventure is not a High Elf story. Anduin being a vanilla glob of boring moral compassry is not a Human story. Thrall telling an earthen to concentrate once on a mountain is not a Thrall story (or an Orc story).

So far, the Horde and Alliance have pulled up to Dornagal, but they aren’t doing anything but drilling on the beach. We need more perspectives on the people that comprise our factions if we want it to feel fleshed out in a way that it hasn’t for over a decade, and people seem to be hungry for it. I’m glad Midnight is on the slate, for sure, even with elf fatigue, because it will at least move the needle somewhere. Maybe. Hopefully. If it’s just a Windrunner Sisters romp with Anduin in tow, I’m out forever. Deuces.


I really feel like a lot of that is collateral damage in the war against faction conflict.

All these people are defined (like that one Native American saying) by the strength of their enemies.


They need to move away from both both Sylvanas and Calia. Sylvanas needs to stay out of the story simply because bringing her back in any form brings back all the baggage of Teldrassil and I think everyone is sick of that.

Calia and Anduin need to both be written out of the perspective factions and back to the Neutral priest one where they can stay out of the story for good.

The Forsaken need Voss to be developed into a more fleshed out character (with her own model and with more depth). With the scarlets being pretty much wiped out and the Arathi coming into the picture its would be the right time for her to be developed.


Think again.

The baggage is what you bring. You drag around what ever baggage makes you feel bad, as you will.

Sylvanas can play quite a few roles still, and the fact that some people are hung up on the past does not mean every one is.


This is objectively the worst thing about the Forsaken. The way Blizzard wrote them as nothing but Sylvanas sycophants was trash. If that was just one aspect of their character then sure it’s okay, but that wasn’t really the case, their whole identity was Sylvanas.

The farther they move away from her the better cause then they aren’t shackled into just being in her shadow. Now if only Blizzard would stop pushing Lilian and Calia as the Forsaken faces… At least Lilian looks Forsaken and has a Forsaken backstory, but man she’s tiring being the only one.

And screw Calia all around. She sucks.