Will Sylvanas return help or hurt the game?

As we know Sylvanas is probably the most controversial character in WoW or even Blizzard history. From the very beginning she was one of the most iconic characters, but delving deeper into her lore, too often she chose questionable decisions. Necromancy, creating a new plague, experimental camps, slavery, mind control, were tolerated in her ranks. All of this before Afrasiabi situaion. Still, this dude is just… :man_facepalming:

Of course her greatest crimes were Gilneas, Teldrassil and bombing/betraying her own people. (I know that some love her brutal side, but no matter how you look at it, from the perspective of story this is evil) Especially in BFA and SL, this character gained more haters than any other npc.

  1. Many Human players hate her for turning Anduin and Uther into her private therapist. :crossed_swords: :shield:
  2. Many Night Elves hate her for Teldrassil and the War of Thorns. :crescent_moon: :bow_and_arrow:
  3. Many Worgen players hate her for invading Gilneas. :wolf: :waning_crescent_moon:
  4. Some Orc players hate her for killing Saurfang and attempting to murder Thrall. :axe: :green_heart:
  5. Some Troll players didn’t like how Vol’jin was unceremoniously killed to give Sylvanas Warchief title . :crystal_ball: :troll:
  6. Arthas fans hate how they made him a fart on the end of his story. I heard complaints about Jaina not saying a word at the time of her beloved true death to give room for Sylvanas monologue. :ice_cube: :cold_face:
  7. Several Blood Elf players didn’t like how in Wrath she forced a few remianing BEs into a suicide war with the Lich King :drop_of_blood: :elf:
  8. A lot of Forsaken players began to hate her for betraying them. :skull: :zombie:

Most of the Horde players complain that they got a sticker saying “I participated in genocide” because of Sylvanas. When Alliance players are annoyed being constantly outsmarted by her in her ,4D chess masterplan" :nerd_face: Every piece of content she receives turns some people against her. In general, people are tired of her.

If you still love this character, you have to understand, when she return, that Windrunner will be a complete stranger to you.

Sylvanas will not come back as you remember. She won’t be that proud, sassy and confident powerful archer. There will be no sarcasm or sharp language in her voice. When she returns, we will find her penitent and sorry for her sins, without any power or meaning. We’ve already seen how she obeys Tyrande every order without a word of objection, and there will be more of them. This isn’t the same character we saw in Cata or Wrath who, hearing the lack of respect for her person or Forsaken, could threaten you with death or deliver it to you directly. The most important thing for her was freedom. She did what she wanted, regardless of what others said. Now Sylvanas is at Tyrande call. Her whole dark ranger aesthetic was gone.

Did she even want anything to do with the Horde at all? A part of the dark ranger soul never cared about Forsaken and used Horde as a shield against anyone who wanted to kill her. The other half remembers troll, orcs and the undead in Horde as a deadly threat to her home even when Quel’thalas join them. She also doesn’t have much in common with the Alliance. Although former Alliance, Silver Covenant, VE and her family are there.

And here comes biggest problem.

Give back her prideful character. :smiling_imp: People will be furious arguing that penance in hell didn’t change anything. Burning of Teldrasill brought her no consequence other than becoming a neutral character.

The other group will get angry seeing her soft side. :innocent: Saing that the real Sylvanas would never humble herself to anyone and fight for her pride and freedom until the last drop of blood.

Either way, people will get upset no matter which route Blizzard chooses. If you have any ideas to please both groups, please let me know. I thought about it for a long time and nothing comes to my mind. :dracthyr_tea:

Another problem. What about other part of her soul? Uther help Ranger General but completly ignored Banshee. She still exsist, we haven’t see it being destroyed and doesn’t seem to have any regrests about what she did. Shouldn’t we be more worried that the bad part still exists?

Many believe she’s gonna return in Midnight to defend her homeland, but there are many problems with this. The defense, tactics, structure and fortifications of Quel’thalas have changed since her time in command, Sylvanas knowledge will be obsolete. She still has his banshee power? And the most important, would Blood Elves even want her back? She was a great hero in the past. But she betrayed them twice, first time in Wrath where she forced them to fight to death, second betrayed them for the jailer.

And the argument - I can’t imagine the BE expansion without Sylvanas. - doesn’t work here. Remember, in Guardian of the Dream writers completely ignored Malfurion ( :leaves:The emerald dream poster boy :leaves:) so anything is possible for Blizzard. :grinning::magic_wand:

We have so many amazing characters with so much storytelling potential in Midnight. Lor’themar, Liandrin, Thalyssra, Oculeth, Salandria, Rommant, Elisande, Veressa, Alleria, Arator, Giramar, Galadin, Aethas, Halduron, we will definitely see Elisande, Velen, Umbirc, Tharll, the rest of the Horde, Aspects, and Amani trolls there. ( And of course new characters.) There are just too many of them to squeeze Sylvanas between and even if that happens I’m sure she’ll take big chunk of the spotlight.

Blizzard is unhealthy obsessed with this character, if they bring her back, I don’t believe that any writers woundn’t want write about her, which I’m sure end up stealing screentime from other Blood elves characters who’s really deserve that.

:warning:Warning! :warning:

I’m going to sound really, really controversial here, but… Let’s give her a well-deserved ending. Yes, THE ending! :scream:

Isn’t it better to leave her in SL? Let her finally find peace next to Nathanos, together they create a new place in Maw for abandoned and rejects from all over the cosmos, or become one of the Venthyr in Revendreth. Leave her as a cool Easter Egg. But don’t return her to Azeroth. Everyone except Loyalists and Anduin wants her dead. Her story has been written many, I mean many times. Nobbel’s latest movie about her lasts almost 4 hours. Which is longer than the entire history of the Lich King, Thrall or even the entire Azeroth universe. :exploding_head: The one character. :exploding_head: It’s time to give other heroes more attension and love. There’s no better time for her leaving the stage than in expansion about death.

She won’t add anything important to Void or Titans expansion. Sylvanas doesn’t know about the various cosmic secrets, she’s not important player in this cosmic war. Zoval never told her anything that wasn’t manipulation.

No matter what she does, her return will destroy many people’s trust in Blizzard, which is slowly regained since Dragonflight.

Fun facts: Blizzard shot itself in the foot, by saying that Sylvanas will only leave The Maw once she saves all the souls throwned there. But writers, wanting to play in his own dark Warhammer fanfiction, tell in lore and even gave us quests where we see how these souls are irreversibly destroyed, which makes fulfilling this condition impossible. GG Blizz :clown_face: :sunglasses:


I genuinly don’t care, it will just be cool to quest with her again


Sylvanas is the one character who actually deserves a true redemption arc. More so than Illidan ever did

Plus, like Giru said, it would be awesome to quest with her again. I’m at that point, I don’t care about other peoples feelings toward her. It’s not changing mine, and that being I love the character


Defintely hurt the scars of the Fourth War will not fade easily and her return will just agitate things.


My Night Elf character may have hated her, but me as a player said. “Cool, they’ve actually done something bold and unexpected”

My issue was that because of what was going on behind the scenes, they took this great opening and squandered it.

Try looking up the trope of “The Character you love to Hate.”


I think it’s too soon to bring her back. They should leave her on ice for 2-3 more expansions, IMHO.

That said, a lot depends on how it’s handled.


I’d be fine with it if they resurrected Saurfang.


This part I sadly agree with. Afrasiabi took her, threw her under the bus, and then backed the bus back up over her and drove off again. And then rest of the writing team had to figure out how to correct course and placate both her fans and her haters. Making it so that her entire character from TFT to 9.2 was just an incomplete, tortured half of a soul that is now reunited with her good girl half was not a great solution. It means the Sylvanas that most of actually cared about no longer exists. I didn’t want to see her penitent and obedient to Tyrande’s verdict. I wanted to see her throat punch her for what she did to Nathanos. But at that point most of us were just relieved Blizz had stopped telling us “Sylvanas evil! BOOOOOOO, EVIL BANSHEE QUEEN!”

I don’t really know how they can best handle her going forward and I don’t envy those who have to figure it out.


If she made good on her plan in the Forsaken heritage quest to someday rejoin the faction she founded as just another undead citizen, I don’t think its playerbase would revolt. It’s the fear that she’ll return as just another Alliance-washed Windrunner that has them worried, and that, unfortunately, is more or less where SHL left the character.


What about a different old man orc with similar characteristics?

I don’t see why they should get their character back if I can’t get mine.


If they give Night Elves Teldrassil, Darkshore and Ashenvale back and revive all their dead then I wouldn’t care what they do with Sylvanas.

Just don’t make the Sylvanas story as toxic as it was in BfA and SL where they made a story about Sylvanas at the cost of literally everyone else. If you want to bring back & redeem Sylvanas, sure. But then give others their stuff back that they had taken from them just for that Sylvanas story.


I was just curious. Since his story has a conclusion if you’d be fine with a similar character.

That’s the same logic used to argue “separate but equal”.

Similar is not the same and used this way, cheapens the original.

What logic? It was a question. And I think bringing back dead characters cheapens their story more than having similar characters. Because death becomes less of a big deal and their conclusion less impactful.

Very much despite myself I kind of wish World of Warcraft: Sylvanas had instead been War Crimes 2: Sylvanas. A decent defense lawyer, let’s say Uther, might have gotten her off with “not guilty by reason of mental impairment.”

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I prefer a “neither of the above” approach. What happened in BFA isn’t fixable, not walk backable. The only “solution” is to do better going ahead. I think they’ve done that with this expac and the Diablo IV stories.

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We shouldn’t have lost him to begin with.

Saurfang stands paramount amongst orcs.
You don’t think he’d be lessened if another orc pops up out of no where that is the Highlord of the Might of Kalimdor?


Well I think there’s a difference between a similar orc a basically identical but different orc.

But I wasn’t trying to argue about it, if you want it you want it.

He’s got history and he was obscenely cool.
The game and setting are lesser for his being dead.