It would take too much time that they really shouldn’t dedicate to Sylvanas, but the only Sylvanas return I’d be excited for includes a cinematic where a sad, mournful, blue eyed Sylvanas struggles to hang on while a voice in her head whispers coldly to “sleep”. The ranger general’s eyelids flutter closed and as she approaches final rest, the vision of her people being wasted by a benevolent but equally incompetent to Garrosh new monarch, flashes before her eyes. The Banshee Queen opens her red eyes and grits her teeth.
Where is everyone getting this idea that Sylvanas is now just a recolor of Alleria and is going to just become another High Elf?
Her latest appearance was in the Forsaken Heritage Quest. She gives a quest through Dori’thur ONLY to Horde players who are tagged as her Loyalists.
In the message, she explicitly tells them when she can come back, she’s going to stay with the Forsaken, and that the Loyalist players are the only true friends she can count on.
Hell, her sisters in the Alliance effectively said they don’t want anything to do with her anymore at her sentencing. Her family is basically the Horde players who stuck with her.
I think people might be taking an eye-color change a little too far.
Meekly accepting Tyrande’s berating and sentence while showing heartfelt contrition is not the Banshee Queen. Sorry, but I extend zero charity re: Show, Don’t Tell where this game is concerned. If they want to just disregard SL, I wouldn’t really mind, but they typically only ignore old stuff to make things worse.
Not done by the main team.
Done by passionate fans of the races.
I’m not saying she won’t come back, but I am saying the main team says Sylvanas is Alliance Blue Sylvanas who doesn’t agree with anything evil red Horde Sylvanas did.
It’d be nice if the main team honored heritage though.
Nooope. Wash as hard as she can, the blood (the bad writing) won’t go away. She’ll always have the “genocidal monster who got a free pass because she’s an edgy quippy chick” footnote. If she wasn’t so beloved by Blizzard unlike other characters, she’d already be taken out back and told to look at the pretty flowers. How many prominent Horde characters have bit the bullet for lesser things, but Sylvanas gets a freebie like Kerrigan did?
Best to cut your losses than try to relive the good old days like the WC2 grognards tried in Cataclysm and BfA.
the story team did the Alleria short. And it clearly shows she thinks nothing of the alliance. All you have as argument so far is your own headcanon. Sylvanas never said anyhting positive about the Alliance.
Alliance good blue ranger general sylvanas had her soul portion stored away and cut off from evil, wrong, red horde sylvanas when Arthas killed her.
Sorry, Erevayn.
Not only does your waifu not know (or care) how to pronounce your name (even when you pay her to do exactly that), but she isn’t the waifu you cared about in the first place.
Yes she hate doing bad things. Speaks nothing of her loyalty to the factions. Ranger General Sylvanas was still cold and pragmatic. Undeath only worsened her bad habit. My points are standing tall.
She will no longer do anything evil just because she can. That doesn’t mean she will declare her allegiance to Stormwind like Alleria did. The Forsaken and Silvermoon are her people just the same way Velonara said it before.
No, I get it, but it is basically nitpicking qualifying statements. Like, if I say “no one wants to eat a bowl full of diarrhea” the ball isn’t really rolling anywhere meaningful if someone counters, “hey now, some people love diarrhea!”
Like, I would have said there was no salvaging Kael’thas after “Tempest Keep was only a setback,” and yet he was one of the more popular parts of Shadowlands.
Too many, which is why I’m glad they are at least making some effort to avoid doing it yet again.
Ah well. All we can do is wait and see what happens.