I still think his escape was a last minute pivot Blizz made due to his popularity, but I’m not sure they know how to use him again
It is actually a last minute pivot. He was supposed to die but Ray Chase basically made them all fangirl over Denathrius so it was like “Well we can’t kill him now”
Would be a funny legendary sword, he just criticizes EVERYTHING you do.
They said they wanted to bring him back because he was popular.
please no, let them forget shadowlands was a thing
If the Arathi kingdom resembles the Scarlet Crusade, the dreadlords would fit.
y’all cry about Shadowlands so freaking much and I think you forget what WoD was. WoD was the biggest resident sleeper snooze fest I have ever endured not to mention even DF, if I have to deal with one more furry lizard I am going to lose my mind.
wod is easily forgettable, but shadowlands is simply atrocious
‘‘oh no, an important character died… he’ll be a tall blue human, a vampire, a fairy or an undead canonfolder, it’s okay’’
the wow afterlive has become something so banal that it’s comical
I never really got the obsession with Denny but to each their own I suppose.
I’m not sure how they’d fit him into these events given how he had nothing to do with titans or the void.
Me neither
I found him to be pretty generic and forgettable.
I never understood why people hyped him up so much. Still dont.
Hopefully he stays gone.
I think Sire D, has something to do with this “Mysterious Emperor of Light” and his experiments that lead to the Wrath of the Light that left the Ember Ward the way it is eons ago.
Or it could be totally unrelated… but I have a hunch that we will see him at some point or at the very least mention… maybe.
I think SL stuff should stay in SL and never haunt us again.
sire denethus and alexstrasza.
big daddy energy and the big mommy energy. the dynamic duo ready to take on aimee and her army of mailboxes.
As long as his comeback means more Prince Renethal swoon
They’ve basically sold us the Nathrezim as his agents, so I expect as interesting stuff happens they will breadcrumb his spies near plot points.
But here is the thing… He needs a motive now. Motive was, help his brother and either benefit from his rise or steal his success for himself. What is it now that he’s lost not only his coattails, but his home?
If I’m SireD right now I’m 100% annoyed that I am an honorary guest of some other bad guy’s domain and I’m currently working on stealing that domain for myself.
Denathrius > Zovaal
breaks sword in half over knee, killing Denathrius inside
People sure seem to like the smug villains best, like Fyrakk recently.
he was the reason why i liked shadowlands a bit more
I’d say The Last Titan is likely when he’ll turn up, possibly making it a three-way tussle between Denathrius, Iridikron and the Titans for the fate of Azeroth.