Will server capacity be reduced when Layering is turned off?

Will blizzard be reducing server capacity to say 3k people when phase 2 comes in? Or will they keep the capacity the same as it is just without layering?


The game cannot sustain more then the 3000 player cap it was designed for, just because you refuse to accept the answer and proofs given does not mean any of this changes.

Once layering is gone server capacity will be that of ONE layer, 3000. This is not a reduced server capacity, this is a server without layering.


The game has and can sustain more.

It will sustain them in queue’s.


Vanilla doesn’t, the current game does. Server capacity in vanilla was around 3k this is confirmed, this is the number the game was made for.


It can handle several times what it could in 2006.

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So layering is 100% pointless.

The servers can, not the game itself, spawn rates, etc are made for 3k people, this is the “vanilla experience” they screw with that and it is no longer that experience.


Layering is not 100% pointless, layering is to reduce number of servers needed during the rush before the tourists leave. This has also been told to you before.


“Please also note that our realm population estimates of Low, Medium, High, and Full are based on this increased capacity – a Medium realm today already has more characters on it than even the most crowded realms did back in 2006.”

Yeah, but it is creating ques later on, it was said by the devs layering was to reduce ques and overcrowding, but in fact, it is going to create even bigger ques on phase 2.


That’s based off they servers WITH layering, it is also stated in that post that server capacity is not not being increased past 2006 levels

once layering is gone, 3k capacity.

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Exactly, it’s pointless.

if they need more servers in p2 they will make more servers in p2 and allow transfers free of charge most likely.

making more servers now would be a bad idea because we DON’T know what’s going to happen come phase 2, the population COULD drop by 80%+ like they predict.

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From that exact same post:

No, the fact that SO many players are dogpiling on ONE server is what is going to cause severe queues. Layering itself isn’t causing the queues.

EDIT: regardless of what number the realm cap is, if too many people roll on that server, queues happen. Layering is beside the point in this scenario.

That there is blizzards fault though, over estimated pve server need, didn’t make a south american server and let the streamers just have the run of the place forcing sane people onto herod.

3 of the 4 PVE servers have high pops. So I think they’re spot on so far. How does the PVE servers effect the population of PVP servers? It is not like they can’t add PVP servers. But if people aren’t moving off Herod to Stalagg, what makes you think they’ll suddenly move off Herod to a different new PVP server?

Not sure why I expected more. Should have known better by now.

well for one thing if they had planned it out better and had an SA server from the start we would have had 2 “non streamer” servers to spread out in, and if blizz would have just been like “streamers can save their names but only on this server” it would have been the best solution, and even if those are “high” it doesn’t compare to the “full” pvp servers, so if they had done away with one pve server to make another pvp server they could have had the pvp players spread out more in 3 servers without increasing server amounts and leaving dead servers

on the est coast anyway, don’t htink there’s much problem with the west coast servers, west coast tends to be less populated because raid times on those servers are rough for the rest of the country.