Will scarlet crusade be redeemed next?

As we know, next patch the Venture Co. Cartel will become good guys next patch

Yes, Venture Co. The guys who’s entire business model was everyone and everything is just the cost of doing business, the most pure form of greed possible, the guys who made other goblin cartels look like a charity in comparison.

So, will the scarlet crusade become good guys and join in other paladin organizations next?


While my pipe dream is that I hope so, last act they had in the liberation of Gilneas was as bad guys and it was pretty recent.


Probably. Pretty much every time the Scarlet Crusade makes an appearance they’re doing something bad because their leader is corrupted. It’s pretty much a built in redemption arc.


Hey now, the iron horde became good guys in a single raid tier

It’s been long enough for us to forgive them taking over gilneas


Good guys good guys, or interested neutral party of which shares a common goal?


Good guys? Uhh, no.

Tolerated? Yes. Good? No.


If you count Sally Whitemane, they already kinda have.

She’s one of the ‘new’ Four Horsemen for DKs.

Also, Lillian Voss is ex-crusade, she’s still around doing stuff for the Forsaken.

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That was less a voluntary choice and more of a volun-told


Considering she’s an ex-leader, she probably still has some pull.

They themselves were harboring an undead, that priest guy in the backroom.

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Uh yea? All DKs have pull

Called death grip

I am a comedy genius


Really wish the idea of washing up old characters (or in this case faction) after they had been killed off to be washed up would stop. Garrosh and Sylvanas was enough. Can we stop? Bad enough the Naga are coming back…

:drum: :boom:


Enemy of my enemy is my friend. I have no doubt we will be against them in the future again.

I for one can’t wait to climb the corrupt corporate ladder that should be venture co.


Imagine the following:

A Forsaken walks up to a newly redeemed Scarlet Crusade officer. The Forsaken says, “Hey, how’s it going?” The officer brushes the undead aside, still sore about having to ally with the Forsaken. He returns home and looks upon the picture of his wife and child eaten by the Scourge.

If that doesn’t say “Villain Origin Story” to you, I don’t know what does.


I could’ve sworn this is what happened in Wrath with the SC disbanding and joining the AD to be the Argent Crusade


Nah, we just killed another dreadlord leader of theirs, and a few human leaders

Then we had their MoP stunt of killing each other, and now we’re back to them being generic bad guys, at least in the gilneas stuff

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It honestly feels like TWW is an attempt at a reset of the story back to what it was in classic with different coats of paint


It ALMOST happened before the character went insane. :robot::rightwards_hand: :brain:

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Some of them already were. Namely Scarlet priests joined the priest order hall.


I still dont know what the Gilneas thing was about. I just felt like I missed something.

Like since when is the Scarlet Crusade even in that area?

Why am I, as a Forsaken helping the worgen??

We ‘took the city back’ and nothing actually changed. I thought there would be NPCs and Gilneas would actually become a functional city or something, but nope.