Will Sargeras break free in Last Titan

I mean the other titans are keeping him locked up. And considering the title “Last titan” I dont think the Pantheon will servive that expansion. The other possibly is Sargeras himself wont survive considering he is also a titan.


If the Titans are antagonistic, the containment of Sargeras might be the only reason we stand a chance. What we might be facing off against during the expansion might be Avatars. But the twist is, with every Avatar of a Titan we defeat, the containment surrounding Sargeras weakens.

So we’re left with an impossible situation. Do we submit to the Titan’s complete re-ordering of Azeroth, or resist and potentially allow for Sargeras to return?

Whatever the case, I don’t think we’ll be fighting against the entire Titan Pantheon.

If the whole Elun’Ahir debacle is any indication, Eonar will likely be way more sympathetic with Azeroth’s races. Namely the Night Elves and the Harronir (assuming they’ll be playable). Norgannon, Golganneth, and Khaz’goroth opinions on the complete ordering of Azeroth are anyone’s guess. I suspect the last of the trio might take exception to the Earthen defying their directives.


Well, until/unless we discover that Life becoming too successful is just as bad for Azeroth as any other one force gaining dominance.


“Last” doesn’t need to mean “Last Survivor.” It could just be the last titan to be added to the set. The completion of the pantheon.

I can see a scenario where Sargeras becomes an uncomfortable ally. Maybe Xal’atath successfully “claims” Azeroth’s soul and the only way to purge her is to fight a war on all possible fronts, including leveraging the power of chaos.


Curious if Illidain unintentionally affected the Titans. :8ball::robot:


Assuming “last” means “only”, Sargaras would have to break free all by himself.

If they’re antagonistic he might also just be their first victim.

What way to hype up the new threat by having them beat the old big-bad of the setting to death while he’s captive and bound? It’d also free up Illidan to return and give us warning.

I think there’s an off chance Aman’thul is the last titan and he’s going to off the other titans for having too much “corruption” from the other spheres. Elune with life, Sargeras and the fel, etc. We’ll have to face off against a titan who has cannibalized the rest like a cosmic version of the thunder king.


Titan worlds and Titan timeline (Ulderoth) are saturated in Life and Aman’thal trusted the Azeroth races with cosmic powers. Possible they can be convinced. :robot: :handshake: :robot:

Tbf we know that from what happaned on draenor


Yes, basically all the six are bad for us if any of them win. Whatever this suppose “seventh” element hinted in Shadowlands might be our best chance of not being crushed by the other 6 elements.

Yeah, could either be that all the titans are wiped out and only one is left. Or it could be that the process to create Titans is almost over and only one more can be made - like the last one to fill the empty spot.

Or it could be that they organized a charity foot race, and “the last Titan” to the finish line is sad and needs to be cheered up.

Or its about a new Titan being found and Azeroth’s struggles with not being the youngest child of the Titan pantheon anymore

I have this suspicion they are going to say the pantheon we met in Legion are no longer true Titans. They lost that distinction when they died at Nihilam. What we met was what was left of them, diminished echoes who had to work collectively to bind the true Last Titan—Sargeras.


That’s been in my mind of late actually. Sargeras and Illidan are both infused with Chaos the direct opposite of Order. I can see them easily going full Xe’ra on him if what we’ve learned about them is true.

Off on a tangent it could just be phasing but the skyboxes in Pandaria have the red star though the event had not happened yet. Or Sargeras is jailed across all timelines past and present…

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I often think that people misinterpret what we saw and read about in the Ulderoth time rift…because it was not described as a victory for Titans. The quest item you pick up there for bringing back to Soridormi actually describes how the Titans lost control there… none of their watchers or keepers were able to survive. The huge Life monsters would immediately just destroy anything, and they were talking about how they had to keep making smaller and smaller watchers to hide in caves; and even those ones were being destroyed or eaten by some kind of Life monsters underground after a little time. Thus, the people writing that report were under the suspicion that something different and as powerful as a Titan…but wielding Life magic was actually winning and the Titans were losing. That timerift showed that Cosmic Life hates mortals and destroys them unless opposed. It basically shows that our Aman’thul in our timeline was correct to stop elun’ahir.

Doesn’t that indicate the exact opposite? That suggests to me that Eonar hates us mortals and prefers plants and animals with no sentience and no civilizations and no free will… in fact, I think Eonar may very well end up being revealed as a villain during The Last Titan who just wanted to exploit and betray us all. Both betraying the Titans, and betraying us mortals with sentience.

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She blessed BOTH the red and the green dragonflight and everything thus far about her is her love for ALL forms of life. She is not the Poison Ivy of the Warcraft world:

This is my gift: compassion for all living things. A drive to protect and nurture them. And the ability to heal that which others cannot, birth what others may not, and love even the unlovable–who surely need such grace more than any other souls. - Blessing of the Red Aspect

The title “The Last Titan” is actually a reference:

Wrathion says: Ahh - the heart of a king. The powers of a God.
Anduin Wrynn says: What are you doing? You’re not seriously going to eat that-
Wrathion says: It is filled with Titan magic, the language of creation…
Wrathion eats the heart and goes into a trance.
Wrathion says: Oh, I see them - a million, million worlds - glittering in their perfection - but one above all others - oh -
A beacon of light surrounds Wrathion. He rises and speaks in a different tone…
The light fades as Wrathion falls to the floor.


or at least I think so.

Even then, I suppose we can both be right, but I just have a feeling.

Given how closely they linked Elune to Eonar I would really rather they not put us in a situation where it is either “The moon goddess was an accomplice to evil all along!” or “Elune was kind of dumb and helped someone evil.”

I was always puzzled by that line. “Rebuild” would suggest they… broke? Were disassembled? You can take Titans apart?

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You can take any kind of people apart, its putting them back together that’s the tricky part.


…Touché, good sir.