You guys are such sad humans hahaha just grind out s4 glad and we happy xxxx
Can do both man…thanks
they are different mounts you brain dead mong
Bump for response!
another bump
bumpity bump
Still looking for any comment on this topic… Come on… say something
Not sure if I will play wrath at this point… no response from blizz on such a simple matter
no response = no sub at least for me for wrath
this and this
Small bump for response
Blizzard only cares about the wintraders, people who collude, tank MMR on purpose to get their friends glad/r1 or make boosts easier. Look at how many people gets banned every season and then they get their buttbuddies who know someone at Blizzard to unban them. The ladder/pvp scene has no integrity anymore and is a complete joke.
Yes, this thread proves it…cheers!
just quit now, you arent getting the s3 title, s4 title comes out in like 3 weeks dude
Looks like empty teams deserve more the title and mount then actual players… This is disgusting.
Don’t make us sad man…give us hope
daily bump
This is a bump.
what time do you think is the best time to bump this thread? When will blizz most likely see it…if they are west coast time (the developers) I am thinking like noon EST is the perfect time since they are prob entering the office at 9 AM PST… thoughts?
Lol I hope you aren’t being serious. They’ve seen the thread. They understand the issue. They’ve chosen to ignore the issue completely and ignore anyone asking for a resolution.
Daily bump. looking for a yearly answer