Will running AHK get me banned?

That’s a you thing, not a me thing. I remember everything that I have done with my characters, even the ones who are currently on vacation until the team needs them for something.

I never had any interest in multiboxing PvP. But then, I actually never used any multiboxing software except the one I only used to use to rename my windows. Now that I have standardized my setup across my monitors that’s not an issue.

Programmable hardware can get you banned.

I did arenas with it. It was fun. Only 4 shams is all. I once had a raid group that I boxed but my GM of my old guild told me she could not even move much while in the same area. And Blizz told me in a live chat ticket that it was causing server disruption which is not allowed. I was told by Blizzard that first offense for raid boxing that caused server disruption would be a warning, second time would be a suspension, 3rd time would be a longer suspension and 4th time would be a permaban. I did that and all I did was minor server lag. Other boxers crashed servers. And they did it back to back so I am 100% certain they got permabanned.

I want to 4 box arenas again. Thats all. In retail. And have them bring back 5s so I can do it. 4 shams with a priest healer who is a friend like I did before.