Will Patch 8.1 XP % Per Level Satisfy Everyone?

But that’s the fastest part.

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looking forward to rolling zand warlock

Not these days. People seem to define themselves by their victimhood. Most will find something else to cry about.

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That’s what happens when you decide to put in a one size fits all system. If they were trying to please customers (which they weren’t), they could have put in two adjustable sliders on the heirloom tab, one for xp gain and one for stats.


Nearly everyone I see that makes this type of argument is the first to play victim when something doesn’t go their way. The irony is hilarious.


With this latest nerf thats coming in 8.1 it should speed it up to a speed thats faster than pre-7.3.5. So I’ll be happier at least. It’s better than tbc and wrath lvling ether way but thats pretty easy to beat that took more than a while.

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It will satisfy me but I’m still leveling alts like an idiot.

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Only time will tell, it use to take me 3 days 1 - 100 old system, I just leveled a new Priest 20 -120 in 7 days, so leveling wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, this change will help I’d think

60-80 definitely needed it. The rest could have been fixed just by buffing hierlooms.

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But it won’t speed it up for levels 10 through 39 if you look at the graph below of what was reported on WoWHead those levels are actually getting an increase in XP so it’s not going to give us back all that was lost. (See Below Graph)

The difference between 7.0.3 and 8.1.0 PTR experience is as follows:
Level % XP Change 8.1-7.0.3
1 0.0%
2 0.0%
3 0.0%
4 0.0%
5 0.0%
6 0.0%
7 0.0%
8 0.0%
9 0.0%
10 5.0%
11 10.0%
12 15.0%
13 20.0%
14 25.0%
15 30.0%
16 35.0%
17 40.0%
18 45.0%
19 50.0%
20 51.1%
21 52.0%
22 48.0%
23 44.0%
24 44.0%
25 42.0%
26 40.0%
27 38.0%
28 36.0%
29 34.0%
30 32.0%
31 30.0%
32 28.0%
33 26.0%
34 24.0%
35 22.0%
36 20.0%
37 18.0%
38 16.0%
39 14.0%
40 -9.8%
41 -10.7%
42 -11.0%
43 -11.1%
44 -11.4%
45 -11.5%
46 -11.6%
47 -11.9%
48 -12.0%
49 -12.0%
50 -12.4%
51 -12.5%
52 -12.6%
53 -12.9%
54 -13.0%
55 -13.2%
56 -13.4%
57 -13.7%
58 -13.8%
59 -14.1%
60 -39.9%
61 -42.9%
62 -46.2%
63 -49.2%
64 -52.2%
65 -51.9%
66 -50.7%
67 -49.4%
68 -48.1%
69 -46.8%
70 -45.9%
71 -45.0%
72 -43.7%
73 -42.0%
74 -40.4%
75 -38.8%
76 -37.4%
77 -36.5%
78 -35.0%
79 -34.2%
80 -32.9%
81 -32.0%
82 -31.2%
83 -30.3%
84 -30.0%
85 -30.0%
86 -32.1%
87 -31.3%
88 -30.5%
89 -29.8%
90 -31.7%
91 -31.1%
92 -30.2%
93 -29.5%
94 -28.9%
95 -28.2%
96 -27.3%
97 -26.7%
98 -26.0%
99 -25.3%
100 -25.0%
101 -25.0%
102 -25.0%
103 -25.0%
104 -25.0%
105 -25.0%
106 -25.0%
107 -25.0%
108 -25.0%
109 -25.0%
110 -25.0%

Also WoD mobs still hit like a Mack Truck in ptr so that area still needs adjusting the NPC’s item level maybe to be more in line with the player.


I’ll have to actually experience it to know. Just looking at percentages isn’t enough. I do have two allied race characters I didn’t finish leveling so I’ll pick them back up.

With those percentages, looks like I need to get my allied races to 40, will have to work on that for the next few days.

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Pretty much this. Some people enjoy to complain. They will continue to complain, even if Blizzard started all toons at 110

I think it is a very good thing though.

A full revert would have been ideal, but listening some is definitely better than not at all. I’m still glad I got the bulk of my leveling done before they slowed it down so much.


I’m going to wait to see how it feels on live servers but any change in that direction is good for me.


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I think it’s great, but I guess there will always be complaints regardless. Perhaps the slowing down of the leveling process as much as they did negatively impacted some metrics they saw. I personally was all for making combat take a little while longer, but not necessarily slowing leveling too much.

Hm… I’m pretty happy with the changes, but I’d have preferred 1-60 getting a bit of a bigger nerf. I hate the Classic Dungeons and the Classic leveling experience. Everything past Classic I enjoy, tho. Think it has something to do with the fact you’re in Classic far longer than any other Expansion.

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I still think some sort of bonus xp should be implemented based upon the number of max level characters you have. Say something like per max level character you gain an additional 5% xp gain and then have this cap out at the whatever the current max characters is per realm (14 or 16 now? can’t remember). This would be account wide and the point of the cap is to make it not so insanely overpowered gains.

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The 8.1 changes won’t just roll XP requirements back to those of 7.3.5, they’re actually rolling back to less than the 7.0 requirements for a pretty wide range of level brackets.

Here are some examples. Note the difference between 7.0 and 8.1.

Level 40
7.0 = 95,700
7.3.5 = 133,980
8.0 = 123,280
8.1 = 86,300

Level 50
7.0 = 134,300
7.3.5 = 188,020
8.0 = 182,480
8.1 = 117,700

Level 60
7.0 = 254,000
7.3.5 = 254,000
8.0 = 254,300
8.1 = 152,580

Level 70
7.0 = 405,000
7.3.5 = 405,000
8.0 = 337,060
8.1 = 219,090

Level 80
7.0 = 482,000
7.3.5 = 482,000
8.0 = 431,440
8.1 = 323,580

Level 90
7.0 = 596,000
7.3.5 = 596,000
8.0 = 542,590
8.1 = 406,940

Level 100
7.0 = 657,000
7.3.5 = 657,000
8.0 = 657,000
8.1 = 492,540

Level 110
7.0 = 717,000
7.3.5 = 717,000
8.0 = 717,000
8.1 = 537,730

7.0, 7.3.5 and 8.0 XP requirement listed here:

Current and 8.1 XP requirements here:

Edited for formatting.


That’s the fastest bracket. :roll_eyes:

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