Will Patch 8.1 XP % Per Level Satisfy Everyone?

Just curious what everyone thinks about the percentage of XP that I’ve read will be adjusted in patch 8.1. Do you think it will be enough for what was taken in patch 7.3.5?
Personally I don’t think it will.


We will have to see but I just don’t understand why they can’t just reverse the decision and go back.


Satisfy everyone? That isn’t going to happen.

It will make a lot of people happier.


I don’t mind the leveling changes from 7.3. In the same breath, I wouldn’t say no to someone making life easier for us. Especially considering I intend on making a Zandalari troll my main alt.


I fully agree!

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I would guess not. Problem is most people don’t enjoy leveling and just want it to be over. Those that do enjoy leveling find the difficulty lacking rather then the speed being the issue.


I have only been able to level 2 characters since the 7.3 change. I love the concept of scaling, but the leveling (especially the wall that is 60-80) is grueling and I want nothing to do with it.

I’m fine with it being hard, but i’ve leveled so much that it being this slow is just too much for me. The speed in vanilla is acceptable because you’re probably only going to have one or two max level characters, and getting to max was a challenge.

Now its just long and boring and i have so many max levels.


It won’t satisfy everyone. That’s impossible. but it is a step in the right direction.


It seems like they are flip-flopping on an area which was not really broken. The changes that they made in 7.3.5 were too far in one direction, so dialling it back was needed.
I still believe that the XP bonus for heirlooms should be looked at, as to me that is the single most effective way to speed along the whole levelling process.
People who want to stop and smell the roses can always opt to remove their heirlooms.

Blizzard does this a fair bit, anyway. They do savage adjustments to something, then dial it down and up over successive patches in smaller increments. It’s like someone adjusting the volume on a speaker with a remote control.


blizzard does not actually possess the ability to admit fault for something, which is why they almost NEVER undo a change, they would rather double down on a bad decision and fix it later with another solution than undo it.


I would have been satisfied had they made heirlooms scale to welfare epics pieces as you level.

I’ve leveled 12 characters through the years. Seeing it 12 times already, I don’t think putting another skin through the paces is fun unless I am trouncing through bashing things in my path. I was hoping heirlooms were going to restore that feeling of power.


I’d be more satisfied if they stopped mobs’ ilvl scaling, buffed heirlooms with more XP gain rather than blanket all leveling with it, and unpruned classes so we got new abilities more frequently while gaining levels. Leveling right now is like driving 500 miles through desert, with an occasional landmark every 60 miles that momentarily makes the trip slightly more interesting. Increasing the XP gained per level will help with the slog, but it’s basically just increasing the speed from 80 to 140 mph on your drive through that same lifeless desert. And then the people who don’t want to go that fast wouldn’t even have the option to get out of their cars and ride a bike instead.


No, I liked being able to solo dungeons at the same level. With the new trinket and the potions we might be able to, but we shall see - I think the incoming damage will still make this impossible in most cases.


I am waiting to level 4 Allied races until they change the XP required. Not because I think leveling is difficult or time consuming, I simply don’t feel like leveling after leveling 17 or 18 characters to 110 during Legion.

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Does anything Blizzard tries to do make everyone happy?

I hope it’s better, because I have a slew of allied races waiting for me, and I’ve leveled enough toons to max in this game as it. But it will either be called “too fast, casuals won” or “still too slow, fire somebody for this.”

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I fully agree!


7.3.5/8.0 leveling wasn’t that bad - about 3.5 days from 1, just under 3 if you min/maxed. We’re looking at about 2.5 days now, just under 2 if you optimize. That’s probably about right, perhaps a little too quick.

They clearly are workign to make more alt friendly to increase replayability. Considering Blizzard is all about replayability, this should have been a day 1 focus.

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Yeah me too!
I also liked it when we weren’t penalized XP when in a guild the higher levels would run the lower levels through dungeons getting them geared, leveled and raid ready.


It won’t satisfy everyone but I personally will enjoy it. I’ve been leveling a rogue the past few months and even with heirlooms it’s a long and tedious journey so the xp reduction will at least alleviate a large portion of the grind. I think it will most benefit those who want to level the new allied races coming in a couple months.


I won’t be happy until we can skip Draenor entirely.