Will our beloved Silvermoon City come back to life once againa?

I think that would be cool, after all void elves and blood elves already can communicate in game. I’ll add to that the high elves.

Quel’thalas shall be the new Night Elf capital.

We shall be the gym-loving, spunky, free-spirited-yet-wise jocks of this upcoming Elf Sitcom.

The Blood Elves shall be our insecure, computer-loving, secretly-in-love-with-us roommates.

“Get down off the Mailbox!” Spray bottle


Listen, night elves don’t need a Capital.

Why cant they just be happy knowing that the massive sacrifice of their culture to the Male Human Paladin players was rewarded with a second human capital?

Personally excited for there to me more foot traffic in all of Quel’Thalas. I play both sides, but my main is a BElf and I visit the city regularly. It makes me sad to see a lack of players there.

That said, as far as Silvermoon becoming neutral, I do not want that nor do I see it happening.

Somewhere in the Ghost Lands being made neutral could work though. Having the Windrunner area expanded into a dalaran type place but elven themed would be awesome, plus the VElves would still be far enough away to not damage the Sunwell.

As much as people want a neutral Silvermoon, it can’t happen because of the VElves. And with the Void going to be playing the big bad there would be far less reason for them to be there.

They can gather to help protect, but they are a risk to the Sunwell.


I refuse to RP with any Thalalalasian that has blue eyes, green eyes, void eyes or red eyes. Blind eyes or get out out of my SMC.

If you’re Illidari and have a blindfold, that’s fine.

If you’re Illidari and have a blindfold and you chose the stupid option where your glowy eyes are burning through the blindfold, thus making you look really goofy, that’s not fine.

Exactly! They are really annoying in places like movie theatres. This includes Death Knights, sorry but you are all breaking my immersion at Tirisfal Theatre Troupe night.

Sentient beings with a supernatural glow are politely asked to sit in the back of the theatre for the consideration of other guests.

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“Those who lay even one toe on freshly mown Thalassian grass within the city’s confines shall first be cited, then be smited.”



I do actually like the concept of Silvermoon being phased, like there’s a specific debuff that Alliance can acquire to enter the City and be neutral with all the NPCs, and makes it impossible for them to attack or be attacked while within Silvermoon City limits.

I’d love to see this being made possible with a revamped Exodar, where the Draenei have actually set down roots and started rebuilding like what we saw in Draenor in the Warlords expansion, an actual city with farmlands and trade and hope for the future again.

Out of all the member nations and races within the Alliance and Horde, the Draenei and the Sin’dorei have the deepest and most stable cross-faction connections between them. Even if the capitals remain closed, large areas within the regions, like others have mentioned, rebuilt areas where diplomats and traders can meet to arrange trade agreements and hash out diplomatic matters under legal protection from both Mega-Factions could add both more depth and intrigue-based questlines and arcs to the game now that the Alliance and Horde aren’t beating each other back into the stone age with newer, more shark-jumping MacGuffinite-powered sticks.

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also, roll a belf and be the change you wanna see!

n…okay yea. but the bowl stays!


no! go get your own elf city


compromise we build a new unified neutral city for all elves, Darnmoon, or possibly Silverassus

monkey paw says

itll be poorly designed, in a zone that noone really cares about


It would be nice to see RP back in Silvermoon and maybe see some urban renewal going on. I don’t really have an opinion on the whole “neutral” city issue. I have just always loved Silvermoon.

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For what it’s worth, I’m with you. I genuinely hope the Void Elves get a city in Northern Lordaeron (the inaccessible zone north of Stratholme) or at Quel’Lithien Lodge. Firstly it would be cool to see a Void Elf city rather than just some rocks. Secondly, Silvermoon could remain a Horde city and the factions could retain some echo of meaning. Personally I quite enjoy the faction divide, and find it very unusual that everyone is so buddy buddy these days. Like come on after 2 world wars we could at least frown at each other across the Dragonscale digsite xD

No more phasing. Just open up the places already. If people wanna fight, warmode is an option. So is flagging up.

Oh, and Kirsy is tooling around Stormwind right now. Void elves who look like Blood Elves are just too tempting. I even have a new, terribly written plot for why and how (it’s worse than you think, but so is all of her backstory, so…).

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We are going to open so many gyms in Quel’thalas.

We are going to replace all the monuments.

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