Back when I could be nothing but blue I was RPing Vanndrel as being a whole doorway thingy complete with spooky text, but since they gave me “normal” options I quietly retconned Vanndrel’s story to basically be he’d left the Horde after Theramore.
There was a point where I got super, super worried during Shadowlands I’d have to acknowledge it since due to that Retcon Vanndrel became a bit of a Jania-stan and wouldn’t sit idle while she was missing, but thankfully Shadowlands devolved into narrative TV static so fast it’s just easier to ignore it all together.
Your character was originally a blood elf that left the Horde after Theramore (this part is understandable) and became a Jaina stan after she led a pogrom against innocent blood elves, shopkeepers and all?
The “Dalaran is a better place without your kind” Jaina?
“But you have fair skin and hair and radiant azure eyes.”
“No, see, I’m a recovered Void Elf and that’s why I look like a High Elf.”
“I don’t follow.”
“I was a High Elf. Then the High Elves disappeared, except for the thousands that still work with us, and I became a Blood Elf. Then I stopped being a Blood Elf and became a Void Elf. But now I’ve recovered from the Void so I basically just look like I always did.”
“Okay, so you’re basically a High Elf.”
“No, you have to say the whole thing or it doesn’t count.”
He wasn’t present for any of that because i wasnt playing during that time. Thats the era this character was a hardcore Bloodthistle addict and basically roaming around the Eastern Kingdoms in a daze.
Also in regards to the trolls it would be really funny if Alliance got Amani trolls. While I don’t actually hope it happens cause trolls are so foundational to the Horde it would be really funny. Horde gets Dwarves and Alliance gets Trolls.
Honestly, I’m a massive Thalassian elf fan. The one I play the most is actually Fal’therin, my Void Elf, who would like nothing more than to return to Silvermoon City.
OOCly though, I don’t think he should. I want the factions to still mean something - they’re a major part of the game’s identity and I like it that way, personally.
Instead I’d like to see us have faction capitals again. Revamp Silvermoon, by all means. PLEASE. I would love that. But for Horde.
Alliance ought to have that zone north of Stratholme, the one with the elf tower that you can only access through exploits. ( Honestly if the area’s going to be a whole expansion area, they’re going to need more than just the 3 zones. They could enlarge it, make it a longer, coastal area. Then we might finally see something I really want to see, personally: A Void Elf city!!
Give us purple and gold towers, crystals thrumming with void energy, arcane wards to protect the average citizens from its influence, etc etc, basically a darker, more sinister reflection of what Silvermoon City used to be. Then the void elves could have an actual home, adjacent to or even in Quel’thalas depending on how they define its geography, without forcing a unification of two ideologically polarized communities.
Maybe we could even have a High Elf district of the city that’s just blue and has towers from which they can cross their arms and shake their heads disapprovingly at their void cousins a suburb over, and their reformed fel Lightyboi cousins to the north.
You’re implying I liked it before that made BFA flying normal.
But seriously. it’s more the stupidity that Forsaken lost a capital, and we got a troll racial capital, and the absolute idiocy of losing the nelf capital, and getting a second human capital.
Boralus is the big reason I want to see humans start taking serious lumps in WoW (and no, Warcraft RTS lore does not count)
I’m a Forsaken Death Knight. Most humans merely adopted the villain bat. I was born in it. Moulded by it. XD
On a more serious note I’m unashamedly a massive fan of humans and human lore in a quite universal sense. (Humans, Bigboi Humans, Worgen, Forsaken, love em all) My second fave is Thalassian Elves so I’m a bit basic when it comes to fantasy.
DESPITE THIS however I will say I’m a bit bummed on behalf of the troll community that an opportunity for a big underground expansion includes underground humans (yay!!) But… not Dark Trolls? I mean Earthen for Alliance, Dark Trolls for Horde, how could Blizz miss this opportunity?! It would have been mad to find the last species of troll still in command of a lost and forgotten subterranean empire
Being dead honest, I would rather there have been more goblins than trolls in this expansion since I vaguely recall Goblins having underground stuff in lore. Undermine I think it is called.
As for troll content, I would much rather see it be more present in Midnight since it would make more sense for a big portion of getting elven band together be having there be Dark Trolls and Zandalari show up be play big supporting roles for the Thalassian Elves given they are the precursors to Elves as a whole.
I’ve already put money on it that Midnight starts with that bit K’thix thing the Amani killed and built Zul Aman on waking up and being a raid boss.