Will not renew my sub - queue simulator has to stop

Can I have your gold and tenders?

Damn I hope Blizzard is paying you all well, what even is this thread? Lol
I dono about M+ but im sitting 10 plus minutes in queues for ANYTHING pvp.

Yes that’s what happens when you give healers stronger dps spells. Healers will be judged on using them

They did, yes

Healers complain when groups harp on them for not enough damage instead of looking at the DPS who stands in puddles and doesn’t use all their CDs.

The biggest issue with m+ is the meta list. Try to get in a group if your class calls on the Blist or below. Its impossible. No matter how much Blizzard pushes M+ its never going to be a success because of Meta.

There will always be meta comps. There are meta comps for raids, for PvP, everything with any challenge has a best composition. But any reasonably-made group of tank heal 3 different dps specs, played well, can succeed at all rewards level.

Everyone has their limit. My best friend in the game quit during Shadowlands when his non-meta queues went up to 5 hours and hasn’t returned.

It is unlikely this will change, since it seems to be intentional. Get with the program and chase the meta like it’s your only reason for living, as meta slaves are wont to do, or get used to being a second class citizen. As long as Ion guides the game, this will continue.

Or, better advice: Stop pugging for the top 0.1% and play with a group/guild/community.

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okay but blizzard didn’t assign me any friends so this isn’t possible :frowning:

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only some healers complained about that, and we don’t claim them :angel:

Can I have your stuff? I mean that’s the nature of things when you aren’t with a guild.

Indeed, long pugging queuetimes due to specific game changes intended to create these seem to be a behavior modification technique whose goal is getting people to become one with the elite gold ring chase.

Blizzard isn’t tuning for 0.1% title keys. The meta comps exist there, because there will always be a mathematically best option given choices which are actually different.

+15 is not even 0,1%, its 0,3% for EU

If you haven’t noticed by the replies, this community isn’t worth saving. Awful people.Pay for a few months complete your goals, then move on until next season.

Pushing the key up is part of the system. Just because you don’t want to doesn’t mean it’s not the solution.

The solution is to run your key and push it back up. Problem solved.

No, but based on every M+ thread you comment on you’d prefer if everyone outside of the top key runners just stopped playing M+ altogether, so it’s hard to take anything you post seriously.

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Get gear and sign up for appropriate level groups. You guys who say this are always trying to get into groups under geared.
I’ve run tons of alts for years and years and have never experienced this issue ever. I always find a group within 3 minutes.
Because I’m:
A) appropriately geared
B) signing up for sensible dungeons for my ilvl
C) signing up for groups that need me as much as I need them.

^ meet these 3 basics and you’ll never have issues. You’re a 606 dps signing up for +8’s that have 3 dps already.

You are not going anywhere. You just wanted to stomp your feet and scream. Lets be real here