Which mounts in Classic are not in live?
The ones in ZG are what comes to mind, are there more?
The mount from the AQ opening, the old unarmored racial mounts (which might not make it to classic). I think there are some more.
The unarmored mounts aren’t in Classic.
But, no.
Those mounts were earned at a time where C’thun wasn’t even beatable mathematically and those people had to deal with Vanilla with more warts and all than we’re dealing with now.
Subverting their achievements because you think you deserve them after everything is known and theorycrafted is an insult in and of itself to those people who went through that misery.
So three I guess. I highly doubt the unarmored will be in Classic unfortunately.
But yeah, they stated those items will not carry over. Not that it couldn’t be done, they have some pet from retail carrying over so far.
I don’t necessarily agree that this subverts their achievement. The achievement is actually downing the boss, not getting the mount (or the in-game “achievement” for later expansions)
I actually never said I deserved anything. In fact, I’ve specifically said I don’t want classic mounts to apply to your retail game.
- It does. They were a reward before achievements were ever a thing. This mount states: “I was there at that time. I did this amazing thing.”
They’re all in live. They’re not available to gain in Live.
The person I was responding to was asking what mounts were no longer available in live… so… I’m not sure what your point is.
Interesting. I see no “available”.
I don’t believe you’re that dense. Stop trolling please.
The basis of your OP is way off or at least I think so.
Linking the two games I believe will cause more harm then good especially for Classic and those dedicated soley too it.
Imagine all the added competition to complete the Scepter of Shifting Sands if that would carry over to Retail. More then half of your competition probably won’t ever log on again after completion.
You’re MT finally got Thunderfury but now your left with nothing as he just wanted it for the Mog and will never be seen again.
This is the point though.
All the mounts are still in the Retail game. If you own one, you can ride it. If you don’t, you lost out, too bad.
Blizzard welcomes exclusivity and encourages players to show it off. This engenders other players to not take time out from the game, lest they miss out on something exclusive.
If they let Classic items transfer to Retail, it would damage the exclusivity of such items. The unarmored mounts are unavailable in Classic anyway, but the ZG mounts and the Black Scarab, the turtle, Dartol’s Rod, T3 armor, and a whole host of other items that are no longer available would reduce the exclusivity of those items in Retail if they transferred. They would dampen the effect, and make Retail players flock to Classic simply for those items.
They don’t want that. If you choose to play Classic, its for the benefit of enjoying Classic. Not because you want some benefit in Retail.
It’s literally just a question with a comment about benefits to blizzard as a company.
People keep assuming I said I wanted mounts to carry over. I didn’t.
I understand that.
Regardless of where any of us stand on the matter the question has already been answered.
I was just stating I dont agree with the basis of your OP in regards to how it would stand with #Nochanges and wouldn’t have a severe impact.
Retail is that much of a collecting game people only want to play other games to collect stuff for Retail. Yikes.
Apparently nobody is allowed to ask a simple question anymore. Nowhere did I say I was playing just to collect stuff… in fact I came back to WoW a couple months ago specifically to play classic.
Nope. Blizzard has stated multiple times that rewards will be non-transferrable to the modern game and vice versa.
Right, it encourages people to treat classic as a daily quest. Go do something in classic so they can get something they want in retail.
Why you or anyone sees this as a positive is astounding. The negative outweighs what little positive may come from it for the classic game.
I didn’t say I wanted it, you just assumed that. However, it’s really not that difficult to understand why a business would want more player engagement with a wider variety of products.
Threads like this makes me wish this forum had the same function as some other gaming forums have where a question is asked, answered and marked as answered and then closed.
The OP asked a question, they got their answer. They have made a few posts in this thread saying they were just asking a question even. Now if this thread was meant to be a discussion, sure, that would be different. But these types of threads go way off the rails and turns into ridiculous debates.
Request to have the option for a question asked and question answered system please.