Will MOP classic save pvp?

Can it at this point

Has increased splitting of lobbies ever saved multiplayer anything?


Don’t feed it please


Maybe you’re feeding it by saying that


Have to observe the specimen before and after. Are you willing to take this on?


I think that wow pvp could be perfect and people would still complain about mmr and classes they’re not sure how to beat.


you guys ever wonder why they never used any pandaria names for servers?

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Have they even made new servers?

I loved MoP back in the day and it was my fav xpac out of all but the reason it was good was because every class were overloaded with abilities and a bunch of ways to make plays and outplay people and constant changes were made which kept everything new/fresh, the issue however is that we would be playing on the last balance patch and in MoP 2v2 is again just like Cata not a great bracket and has loads of issues where games can easily go on until very late dampening and is very FoTM catered compared to other xpacs (Disc Feral for example is god tier with little to no counters in MoP 2v2) and 3s thankfully has a bunch of viable comps but LS’D/P and RMD/P jungle/god comp were pretty much the only comps you saw consistently back then depending on the season, no doubt however you can beat these comps and don’t just feel ‘impossible’ like in Cata if you play against jungle in 3s you just want to alt f4 as majority of the comps.
Gearing for PvP is easily the best out of any xpac in MoP due to everyone having to use PvP gear instead of doing PvE gear for the best weapons/trinkets ect since PvP power and PvP resil in MoP becomes a stat that you simply cannot skip out on which means at high level play everyone will have every single slot being PvP gear and zero PvE.
The downfall of MoP however is again we would be playing on the last balance patch and MoP in general is unbalanced and has many issues due to every class/spec being overloaded with abilities, for example Unholy Death Knights have Lichbourne Icebound AMS AMZ PvP trinket and desecrated ground(This ability is literally a PvP trinket and while the DK stands in this they become immune to CC) and also DK has the highest parry chance in the game so being a melee and trying to hit a DK just feels impossible if they ever go into blood presence and lets not forget necrotic strike is the strongest it’s ever been in MoP and still has mind crippling applied to it, WW monks can 4sec stun you into fist of fury micro CC into a 2 second silence while nearly 100-0ing you in this CC chain.
Every single class has it’s issues but some are way more problematic when compared to others and we would not see any balance changes so the first 2 seasons of MoP would be cool to play but after it would start to get stale but this is the issue with every classic xpac.

Edit: The fact you can’t type LS’D on the forums without adding ’ is actually insane jesus christ Blizzard.


I loved MoP, but I won’t play a Classic for nostalgia alone, and due to lack of time. I prefer to move forward with the game, whatever it brings (or takes away). I wish earlier testing and more frequent and robust feedback loops would have been used to make the live game better instead and maintain a long-term vision for WoW, loyal to its MMORPG and unique PvP roots.


While I would love to try it out, I just don’t have the time to invest in both retail and classic. I leveled a toon for Wrath, enjoyed the first month, than gave up. While I know gearing in MoP was better than Wrath, it’s still going to be a grind.

Was there a catch up system by MoP?

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MoP classic just doesn’t interest me. It’s like going back and playing Morrowind when Skyrim exist.



Also, I think it’s S 1 of MoP but arms war was one of the craziest thing this games ever seen. The heroic Strike modifier, and how second wind worked was out of control. People who think MoP is going to be their answer are in for a rude awakening.


I’m a firm advocate for Vanilla pacing and world inclusion with retail class designs. Plus or minus everybody getting a restart-the-fight button, and general return to class fantasy.

I cannot understand the nerve of having Classic, Classic Era, Season of Discovery, Classic Anniversary, etc etc when those systems were absolute dogwater to play. Wanding to level up my priest’s auto-attack? Stacking spirit so I don’t go dry doing my job? Throttling to manage threat?!

These systems weren’t engaging, they were the rough draft. They were the firstborn, the first pancake. Marred and messy and best off discarded


Exactly. It was fun for the time. If people want to go back to I don’t really care tho.

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MoP will kill WoW.

the holideys our already doing that :dracthyr_nod: :dracthyr_nod: :dracthyr_nod:

Your trolling is so bad anymore… At least before you put like 25% effort into your post. Now it’s just a flat out 0


Not really, way more comps than that existed on the ladder, even in r1 range it was pretty diverse.

Fist was a 3 second stun.
But with good team positioning you could prevent kills

With full stack tiger brew and trinket proc it would 100% ko you if you didn’t pop any defensives or outside interference when they drink the brew.

Classic MoP will probably only last as long as s14 and s15 originally lasted anyways.
Cata classic will have only been out a whole year when MoP gets rereleased.

Honor gear was just last season’s conquest and the ilvl wasn’t a huge difference. Skill could overcome the ilvl gap.
Deep enough into the system the conquest cap would high enough you can finishing gearing in an afternoon of 2s ques.

Even had achievements back then ehen you earned enough conquest you could buy all conquest pieces with honor.

What you mean?

Lolno people cry about sitting cc now, wait till mop. Godcomp 30 second cc chains, rdruids with iceblock etc etc.